Neighbor (Tom Parker Fan Fiction)

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I over heard my dad on the phone with someone. He said that he needs a moving truck in three weeks. I.. I th-hink im moving........

Two weeks later

Well i was just told we are moving and where we are moving... I was right. But I didnt expect this... we are moving t-TO THE FUCKING UK! I was hopping we were just moving like over a couple states. But across the whole ocean! This is insane!! We are moving from Wisconsin to LONDON!  Well I guess I should start packing. Only one week left til we move. No one knows Im leaving ..... I called my best friend Ashly. She is the only person who knows how bad my life is. Ashly answered the phone "Hey Ash. Can you come over?" I hope I sounded normal not mad. "Sure I'll be over in a minute." Ash practically squealed. Ash hung up. I think she has something to tell me, she was so happy. The doorbell rang. God she must have ran! Its nice haveing your bestfriend live three houses down. I heard my dad answer the door. "Ashly! Nice to see you again!" My dad shouted signalling for me to come down. Its like god I heard the doorbell ring Im not deaf! I heard Ash "Nice to see you too Mr.Colts." Whenever Ash is around my dad she is so quiet. I ran down the stairs to get Ash. When she saw me coming down she ran up the stairs crashing into me. We fel over into a laughing fit. My dad just glared at us. He isnt a very happy person. Me and Ash went up to my room. I had already started pulling down posters. "What happened to your posters and mirror, Jase?" Ash asked. Im so nervous to tell her and I dont know why. "Im moving" I just blurted out. Ash's mood changed in two seconds flat."what..." Ash muddered. "I just found out... your the only one that knows other then my dad and brother."  I started crying makeing Ash cry. I think we sat there crying for atleast and hour or more. "Ca-can you hel-lp me pack?" I was trying to stop crying.

"Yeah... Well atleast school ended yesterday so Im staying over all week okay? I will miss you so much.." 

"Ash Im going to miss you too. And okay its not like my dad will care. Im going to miss how you just decide things with out asking"

"Im going to cry again... We have to have fun this week! We will start packing up simple stuff today and throwing away"

"OKAYYYY! Wow all of the sudden Im happy. TURN ON THE MUSIC!"

We sepent about three hours listeing to music and throwing away junk. By then it was 7pm.

"OH MY GOSH!! I forgot to telll you!" Ash screamed.

"Then tell me!" I screamed back.

"Im going on vacation to the UK in a month"

"Wait.. WHAT!?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No!!!!" I started to scream my head off

"JASE! SHUT UP! Why is it a good thing?"

"Are you going to London?"

"I think..." Ash replyed confused

"Well I never told you where I am moving to"

"Wait.... THE UK!? Are you moving to London?"

"Yea! That means you can visit me!!!"

"OMG! No I'm not visiting you." Ash said sarcasticly

"OMG! Yay sounds great!" 

We bursted out laughing.


Its now the day before I move. Ash dragged me to the mall atleast twenty times. We went to five diffrent water parks and two ammusment parks. The rest of the time it seemed we were either packing, listeing to music, or sleeping. It was about 2am and we were still up. We heard screaming and yelling from the kitchen. We heard things being thrown and pots and pans hitting the floor and a couple dishes break. Then it stopped suddenly. I heard my dad. 

"I'm leaving. Noah your old enough to live on your own! You and Jase are going to go live in London! I'm not going with. IM SICK OF YOU!" My dad was now screaming at Noah.

I felt Ash hug me. We went under the blankets and pretended to sleep incase my dad came by my room. I heard him pass by and slam a couple doors. Then he came back out and then I heard the front door slam. Ash sat up and just stared at the wall. I sat up and my brother came to the door.

"I'm guessing you heard squirts?" My brother alwasy calls us that.

"How could we not?" Ash retorted.

"I'm not sure but, Jase it will just be you and me moving now. I'm happier now about moving."

"I am too. Dad has been getting worse. Three broken doors in two weeks. Also he smaked me twice in the past week." I said almost crying.

Noah came and sat on my bed and hugged both of us. We werent very close but under what has been happening in the past year, Me, Ash and Noah have become closer and Ash is just like a sister to me and a little sister to Noah. It will be hard for all of us when me and Noah leave. 

"Well get some sleep squirts. The moving truck will be here at 10 am so we can start putting stuff in."

"Nightt!" Ash somehow still sounds perky while tired and sad.

"Night Noah. Wake us up at 9 if we aren't up."


I barely got any sleep and now its about 7 am and Ash is bouncing around my room. I still cant belive I'm leaving tomarrow. Me and Ash decided that today we would help start to put stuff in the truck and then just have fun, well as much fun as we can. We got up to have breakfast and then realized we couldn't. The kitchen is a mess and we looked to see if my dad was home. He wasnt, his car was gone. We went and woke up Noah and then walked down the the Gas Station to get some donuts. When we got back the truck was there. Then it really hit me. I was moving. i just broke down in my front yard. Crying my eyes out.

A/N: Okay so I hope u like this! 

Comments would be great!

Also Fans would be Fantastic! (sorry i had to xD)

Also if you think this is bad, Im sorry i wrote this at 1 am cuz I couldnt sleep!

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