Just Knock Part 2

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A/N: I just got back from the fair so im really tired but im updating. So if its a bit sucky im sorry!

"Hmmm, where are you from?" Tom asked. "Stupid Madison, Wisconson." I said rolling my eyes. "Ah, an american!" Tom asked slightly excited. "Oo, a british dude!" I said mocking his expression and tone. "Well back to the questions. Are you a prankster?" Tom asked with a smirk on his face. "Yes." I said witha straight face. "Great! Now you have to help me with a prank for the rest of the guys!" Tom said gitty. "What is it?" I said standing up with Tom. "Come this way." Tom led me to a door and guess what he did. He shut it in my face making me walk into it. "Uhm, OW" I screamed at Tom but more to the door. I opened the dor to find tom sitting on the floor laughing. "Oh god that was funny" Tom managed to say in between laughs. "Was not!" I said and stalked off back to the livingroom. I sat on the couch with my arms crossed going into a mini tantrum. I heard someone come through the door, I expected to see Tom but it was Nathan. "Uhm hi?" Nathan muttered confused. "Tom ran me into a door." I said still in 'tantrum mode'. "Oh yeah your our neighbor! And wow. Where is he?" Nathan said looking around. "Back there laughing at me." I pointed to the door to the kitchen, then imediatly crossed my arms again. "I'll go get him." Nathan said starting to laugh. "Whats so funny?!" I said turning a bit red. "You two are so alike. He has Tom-tantrums. I'll call yours, uhm. I forgot your name." Nathan managed through hicups of laughter. "You never knew my name to start off with. Its Jase." I said sticking out my hand for him to shake. "Hello Jase, I'm Nathan. And I will call your tantrums Jase-, Jase-outburts? Im not sure I'll come up with a name." Nathan said stopping his laughs. 

Tom came back in the room, I crossed my arms again. "Look mate, she has the girl version of Tom-tantrums!" Nathan said laughing again. "Aw is she that mad?" Tom said ending with a fake frown. "Well then!" I said sticking my tounge out at both of them. I got a text a couple seconds later.

Big Bro: Hey come home dinner is in 2 hrs! where r u even?

Me: Be home in 2 mins. and next door or like cross the hall? lol just give me 2 min and i be home

"Look, I gotta go back. Can I stop by again later? We didn't get to alk long." I asked looking back up from my phone. "Yeah, here give me your phone." Tom came over and took my phone. "And next time you can meet the other lads too." Tom said giving me my phone back. I got up and headed towards the door. "Bye Jase!" I heard Tom shout. "Bye girl Tom! Finally I can tease someone!" I heard Nathan cheer. "Bye guys!" I said turning arounf quick to smile. I shut the door and got a text.

TomTom: Hey beautiful. When is the next time we can talk? xx

Me: Did you send this to the wrong number? I bet you accedentaly called me beautiful. And how about tmrw for lunch?

I never belived any one when they called me pretty but yet I could stand infront of the mirror forever. I walked back to the door of my flat and before I opened the door I got another text.

TomTom: No I didn't and it wasn't ;) And sounds like a date! xx

I just smiled to myself and went inside.

A/N: I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED THIS! Next chap will be the dinner then the lunch date thingy! :D Ill try and update like saturday morning or Sunday afternoon Im busy like all weekend... D: I start school in like 2 weeks its very depressing... Also We are changing our name to Immaturehipsters fyi! So our page will be down tmrw afternoon and saturday morning ish. Bye bye! :D Vote/Fan/Comment!! 

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