Day Before

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A/N: So hopefully this will get more intresting shortly, like next chapter. Sorry I took so long to update. And 1 thing. I ALMOST PASSED OUT WHEN I LOGGED ON TODAY!! This book has over 800 reads....... THANK YOU WONDERFULL PEOPLE!! Okay now enjoy the book!

I got up then screamed as I remembered what today was. "ASHLEY GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUTTA BED!! ITS THE DAY BEFORE THE CONCERT!" I screamed while getting out of bed. Noah was already at work. So there was a note on the fridge as normal to say if he made us breakfast or not. Today was a not.

Jase & Ash,

Woke up late make your own food.


Well isn't he nice. "ASH SERIOUSLY GET OUT OF BED!" I screamed from the kitchen. "I'M COMMING" Ash screamed back. As she came into the kitchen I started jumping like a five-year old who was getting candy. "Ash do you know what tommorrow is?" I said in a normal tone. "YES WHY WOULD I NOT!!" Ash screeched and joined me in jumping. "Ahaha lets stop jumping. Lets make SOME FOOD!" I felt odd jummping up and down in the middle of the kitchen. "Can we figure out who The Wanted are now? You know 'cuz the concert is tommorrow?" Ash whined. "Ash, we said we would find out at the concert! Remember?" I dragged out the 'r' as I opened up the fridge to see what we could have. "Fine. But then we have to go to I-Hop for breakfast" Ash said in a plotting type tone. "With what money?" I snapped. "Well sorry! Can't you like go get some money from Noah?" Ash pleaded. "Eh, fine I don't feel like cooking anyways." I gave in and went to get ready.

We got a taxi and went to Noah's work. Ash stayed in the taxi as I ran in. "May I help you?" The lady at the front dest asked me. "Uh, Yes. I'm here to see Noah Colt." I said trying to make it seem important. "And who are you? And why?" She asked kind of snotty this time. I pulled out my phone like it was his. "I'm his sister and I need to give him his phone." I said sounding offended by her snotty tone. "Oh alright, take a visitors pass." She said still in a snotty tone." Thanks" I mumbled rudely. I walked in and had to find cubeicul 34. I saw Noah's head sticking up, it was funny I had to keep myself from laughing. He is 6' so he was taller, even sitting, then the cubeicul. I tapped on the outside of the cube. Noah turned around. "Jase? Why are you here?"Noah asked puzzled. "You forgot your phone. I need money." I put air quoteations around 'forgot your phone'." Ug, Fine here" Noah handed me $40. "Thanks!" I hugged him and left.


After I-Hop Ash was still wanting to look them up, I'm surprised she didn't already. "Ash, no computer for you!" I said like she was 7. "But, but Jaseeeeee" Ash was now acting like she was 7. "Seriously. You promised you wouldn't look them up!" I scolded her. "Fine. No computer for me. Lets watch a movie or something." Ash gave in. "Lets watch a scary movie!" I screeched. "Okay but I get to pick it out." Ash said deviously. She put in Dawn of the Dead. She knew I hated this movie, this was payback for not letting her on the computer. She was scarred by this movie too but she knew I would scream my head off.


It was half way through the movie, and I was right. I was screaming my head off and yelling at the people in the movie. We heard a loud knock on the door. Ash paused the movie and I tryed to stop shaking to answer the door. I opened it to see one of my neighbors, I still don't know their names. "Uh yeah?" I asked trying to stop shaking and to make my voice sound normal. "You are so loud. What are you doing?" The one with the thick acent asked. "Screaming like a baby!" Ash butted in all of the sudden standing behind me.  "It's all her fault. She turned on Dawn of the Dead. Now we are going to watch Family Guy." I said as I glarred at Ash. "What ever. Just stop screaming, some people are trying to sleep" He siad clearly annoyed. "Sorry. We won't be loud." I apolligized and then he left.

I wen back to the couch, changed the channel and started to watch TV. Ash came back in the room, "HEY!" Ash screamed."We were just told to be quiet." I said flatly. "It wasn't that loud. Anyways, why didn't you tell me your neighbor was hot?" Ash sat down next to me and pocked my cheak. "He is not. Ew" I said disgusted while swatting away her hand. "Ugh. What ever he is hot." Ash muttered. "Well I'm going to bed, you are too." I shoved her off the couch and pushed her to her room. "Wait! Where is Noah?!" I went into panic mode. "Call him." Ash said trying to calm me down. I called and after a couple rings he answered. "Hello?" I heard Noah say in a tired voice. "Where are you? Its almost midnight!" I screamed at him. "I was caught up at work. Im on my way to the car." Noah said a little to quickly. "Who is she?" I said in a teasing manner, while putting him on speaker. "No-one." Noah said once again quickly. "Huh. No-one, intresting name." I started to laugh. "Can this wait til later? Just go to bed. I'll be home in ten." Noah said harshly. "Sorry! Night Noah." I just smiled at the phone knowing it had to do with a girl. "GOOD NIGHT NOAH!" Ash screamed to the phone. "Great I was on speaker. Night squirts." After that Noah hung up, Ash went o bed and I waited up for Noah. 

I heard the door open, I turned off teh TV and got up to hug Noah. "Why are you up? I told you to got to bed." Noah said while hugging me. "I wanted ot make sure you got home. Night Noah." I walked back to my room and tried to sleep, thinking about how tommorow will go.

A/N: So I had like a super long epic version of this but my laptop decided it hates me and crashed when I was writing -.- But I hope u liked this version!

Okay and now I need a guest person for the next chapter, they will be a member of the TWFanmily that talks to Jase and Ash at the concert. To enter to be the person you have to comment the answers to theese questions!

1. What is your name?

2. Hair color?

3. Fav member of TW

4. If you watch Famliy Guy or not

5. Who do you think the thick accent boy is

6. Lastly, what do you rate the book out of 1-5!

NOW ENTER! lol Hope you like it and I will write the next chap after I get 3-5 entrys! 


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