Chapter 5

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OH ME GOD FAST UPDATE!!!!! I bet you are all like 'da fuq, is something wrong with her she never is this fast?' Well you better believe it BITCH! CAUSE ITS HAPPENIN! oh and the reason it's so fast is cause NON OF YOU (just) commented 'update soon' SO I THOUGHT I'D SUPRISE YOU BITCHEZZ!

Oh I'm sorry you are not a bitch you are blehhhhh monsters? No I cant think of a name for you guys! You need to help with that!! So what do you wanna be called?! So yea just tell me that!

Oh yea this chapter is dedicated too..... Drum roll please..... @HayleeSilvas because she made me laugh, she's super nice and she really deserves it cause it was defiantly the best comment. NO OFFENCE! All your comments were amazing and I really really appreciated that you guys followed my wishes with the comments! And I really wish I could dedicate it to EVERYONE Who comments! But sadly I can't :(

Okay, okay I GET IT I GET IT! I'll start the chapter! STOP HARASSING MEE!

*Niall's POV*

He flips us over so I'm on top, as I take a deep breath, I start crawling down undoing his belt at the same time. Once his belt and pants are undone, I swiftly pull them down, I'm now face to face with Godzilla. It's so huge. How will I be able to fit that in my mouth?

I hear soft chuckle from above me, as I look up at him with wide eyes, he laughs more. My eyes start going from his face to his cock, back as forth.

"Hurry up, babe" he says behind his laugh. I soon get enough courage, and I open my mouth before taking him in it.

I start to suck on him slowly, teasing him, earning a giant moan to come from his throat. I giggle (yes giggled DON'T JUDGE) slightly making his cock vibrate around my mouth. I gently slip my tongue out licking the head, slowly, which makes him groan. I smirk in success, and I bring him more into my mouth sucking on the way down. His tip hits the back of my throat I finally get his dick fully into my mouth, I gag slightly but soon recover. I start bobbing my head up and down sucking and licking just like he did. He lets out another moan, which just makes me go faster and harder, I soon taste Pre-cum which tastes pretty amazing.

"N-Niall I'm gonna c-cum" he stutters obviously trying to keep it back.

"Come on baby, right into my mouth give it to daddy" I say huskily and the next thing I know he releases into my mouth. Once it's done, I swallow making my throat burn a bit, but it's worth it cause it taste amazing.

Right when I take my mouth off of Zayn, making him groan, his phone rings. He quickly picks it up, looking a bit pissed, and quickly says.

"Hello?" The other line says sometime I can't really hear

"Yeah, Liam he's fine he's actually with me right now" Zayn says, so he's talking about me. WAIT LIAM?!?!? He knows I'm here? Why haven't he come to get me?

*Liams POV*

I'm getting worried, what did Zayn mean by fun, he better not of meant what I think he meant. Niall would never do that stuff, especially with his fucking kidnapper. I start to hyperventilate, and I slightly feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up to see my Boyfriend Sadik.

"Liam, babe, it's going to be okay he's going to be okay" he says softly, looking me in the eyes with a serious expression. "I promise"

"How do you know, he could be raping him right now. HE COULD BE DOING ANYTHING TO MY LITTLE NIALLER!" I scream, making Sadik jump a bit. "Sadik I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell I'm just worried"

"Liam it's okay, just call Zayn, I bet everything is perfectly fine" I nod slightly. His voice can always make me calm, I just love him.

I quickly take out my phone, and dial Zayn's number.

"Hello?" He answers a bit pissed off, why is he pissed did I interrupted something. I shake my head, Niall would never to anything like that.

"Zayn, it's Liam, is Niall okay?" I practically scream into the phone

"Yeah, Liam he's fine he's actually with me right now"

"Okay, well I was just wonde- WAIT why is he with you right now, what did you do to him?" I say freaking out even more. And I quietly hear someone, that REALLY sound like Niall say something like

'Zaynie, could I put my clothes back on?' WHAT NIALL'S NAKED OH MY FUCKING GOD. no not innocent little Nialler.

"No Niall you can't, I like looking at you. And for you Liam I'm not gonna tell you anything you don't need to know" I can almost hear the smirk in his voice "except Niall has an magical mouth".

My jaw drops, oh no he didn't

"ZAYN YOU BETTER NO-" and he ends the call. I pull the phone away from my ear, and stare at it for 5 minutes. Until I hear Sadik say my name.

"Liam? Are you alright?" His voice is laced with worry. I quickly shake my head clearing the thought.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" I blink a few times before, looking at Sadik with a small smile. He smiles back at me.

"Okay, Li. Would you like some ice cream toast!" He says excitedly. I laugh a bit.

I bet you are wondering, what the fuck is ice cream toast, I'll tell you. Its toast, with butter, and vanilla ice cream on top. Sadik accidentally made up this recipe, he was sitting in the kitchen making some toast, when his younger brother came in and said 'Sadik, were allowed ICE CREAAAM!' so their Sadik was sitting at the table with ice cream and toast. And then he was bored to he put his ice cream on the toast and TADA ice cream toast.

"Sure, babe" I smile at him warmly as he runs to the toaster and puts 4 pieces of toast in. Oh how much I love him.


HIA GUYS! So guess what?!?! LIAMM HAS A BOYFRIEEEND! Sadik seems like a cool guy right. And yea Sadik's last name is fletcher if you guys are wondering and he is played by Cameron Ugh. Yes his last name is Ugh, he's sexxxy.

Anyways what did you think of Niall's BJ! And I think this chapter is a bit longer then the other, I don't know though! Cause they are all pretty short, this chapter actually took really short to write. WEIRDDDD, and it was a fast update. Kisses my little blehhhhh munkins? (Yes I know I spelt that wrong it's just how I spell it okay!!!) nope that doesn't work either UGHHHH! Well anyways WUV YOU!!!

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