Chapter 9

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A/N IM SOSOSOSOSO SORRY GUYS! I've just had a lot going on, and I'm sorry. I've also had a lot of stress and stuff, and I just didn't have the inspiration to write

AND ALSOOOO CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TOOOOOOO.... @dontlietomehoney cause' she made me laugh :) hehe

Oh and I'm REALLLLY sorry I didn't reply to ANY of your guys comments! But I still love you and the amazing comments! MWAH!

Anyways. 12.6k READS WHATTTTTY?!?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :) now if only I had that many fans/followers haha jk, but that would be awesome ;) <3 love yas so much my munchkins

Anyways, enjoy this chapter. Love YOU'S. <3

*Niall's POV*

I collapses back onto the bed, and soon after Zayn falls I on top of me. I feel him move to the side a bit, and snuggle up on me. I put my arm around his waist, and pull him too me snuggling into him like he did to me.

"Hmm, Niall you're so warm" Zayn mutters drowsily, I look down at him, aww he looks so cutttte. He stares back up at me with half open eyes, his hair is all messy and he just looks so innocent and cute!

"Shhhh, just go to sleep Zaynie." I whisper quietly, I hear him mumble something I can't really understand, so I just nuzzle my nose into his hair and close my eyes, waiting for sleep to over come me.

*a few hours later*

I jump awake when I hear a phone ring. I look around the room trying to find it, I spot it on the side table. I try to get up, when I'm pulled back onto the bed, I look down to see that Zayns arms are wrapped around me, making sure that I can't move.

I wrap my arms around Zayn, and slide us to the side of the bed, I reach over and grab the phone answering it.

"Hello?" I say groggily, into the phone.

"NIALL?!" I hear Liam yell through the phone

"LIAM?!" I yell back, I feel Zayn move beside me. Dammit, I gotta be quieter

"Yea Ni, I'm gonna get you outta there" I hear him say

"Wait! How did you even get this number?" I whisper at him through the phone.

"Um, well we may have, um dated before. But when I found out about his 'job' I dumped him, but we stayed in contact. And I may be the reason you are with him right now" he whispered the last part into the phone.


"Yes, but I had a good reason"



"Oh, sorry for yelling Li"

"It's fine Ni, I would of been angry too. But I will get you out of there sooner or later. I promise" I feel Zayn stir beside me.

"Okay, Li I really need to go. Zayns waking up"

"Okay Ni, goodbye"

"Bye" and with that I hung up.

"Ni?" I hear Zayn mutter beside me. I look down at him and smile softly, he was so cute!

"Yea Zaynie?"

"What are you doing up?" He asked me, confusion laced through his voice.

"I always wake up this early" I told him, even though that was a lie.

"Oh, okay" he smiled up at me. "Let's go get some breakfast"

He unwraps his arms from me, and gets up, but not before he gives me a quick peck on the lips, which leaves them tingling and a weird feeling in my stomach. Huh, I've never felt that before, I push the feeling away and get up myself.

I look over to Zayn and see him, looking through his closet for some clothes. Clothes. Clothes. Oh yes, now I remember.

"Zaaaaaaynie" I look up at him with and innocent look on my face.

"Yes, Niall?" He looks over at me with a confused look.

"You told me yesterday I could burn your favourite outfit" I smile at him innocently.

"I did?"

"You did, it was so I would forgive you" I wink at him. I see his eyes flash with remembrance.

"Fuck, I did" he mumbles, and turns around and looks through his closet. After about 5 minutes, I see him turn around, and throw some clothes at me, and I catch them.

I look down at them, too see that it was a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a dead girl in a pool if blood. I look back up at him.

"Where's the fire" I smile evilly at him, I'm so exited I've never burned anything before!

He walks over to me and grabs my arm, dragging me out of the room and down the hall, into the living room, and up to the fire place. He motions for me to sit down, which I do, and he starts fiddling with the cage thingy.

After about 10 minutes, Zayn finally gets it off, and turns to me.

"Okay, go. Burn them" I smile at him wickedly and throw the clothes into the fire. A huge thing of smoke blasts us in the face, and we start coughing.

"GUYS! WHAT IS ON FIRE?!" I turn around and see Harry run into the room, butt naked.

"Well, my favourite outfit is" Zayn replied, Harry just look confused "Niall"

"Ohhhhh" was all he said before walking out of the room again. Well okay then.

I look up at Zayn to see him looking at me with a small smile on those kissable lips of his. Wait what? Kissable? He's my kidnapper I should not be thinking of kissing him. Well I did give him a blowjob, so kissing isn't really that bad.

The next thing I know, Zayns lips are on mine. I kiss him back, and the feeling in my stomach returns, but this time I don't push it away, and continue to kiss him. I think I may have feelings for Zayn Whatever his last name.

A/n WELL IT'S FINISHED FINALLY! Sorry for taking so long, and when I do finish it's short as fuck! Dammit I'm such a bad person :'( anyways, so Niall is developing feeling for Zaynie! EEEK! Hehe

Anyways, THE NEXT CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO MER FAVOURITE COMMENT! And remember the longer and funnier the better. Also give me advice. MWAH LOVE YOU :).

Good bye for now! I will try and update as soon as I can!

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