Stopping the story?!?!

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Sorry guys I just can't write this anymore it's not working out how I wanted, and I just can't update like writers block and shit. And truthfully I don't want to. I know you guys like this story a lot but I'm sorry.

If anyone wants to continue this themselves, just pm me and I'll email it to you or give you the pass to my account which ever you want :) or if you want to rewrite it all just come ask first and it'll be great.

Sorry. I really wish I could finish this but I can't. Please don't hate me for this, I keeping the story up I'm just not ever going to write any more chapters. Thanks for reading this and understanding if you do. And once again I'm sorry.

Oh I may start a Larry story which I WILL finish I promise so be on the look out for that :D anyways please follow my twitters @Ziall69allnight @Larrystylinhore

Love you my beautiful munchkins :*<3 have a good valentines day

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