Small Talk

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- They're still in the kitchen -

Wendy: You guys act so queer sometimes

Stan: Can you tell me why you're so mad at me hanging out with Kyle overnight?

Kyle: He's right, we're just two bros hanging out!
What's so wrong about that???

Wendy: Well since you two blacked out doesn't that mean you guys... did yk??? or something..???

Kyle and Stan look at Wendy in disgust because refuse to think they did that

Stan: Way to make things awkward Wendy

Wendy: It's a possibility, you know i'm right and that it could've happened or maybe it did happen and that's why you two forgot

Kyle: Okay, Wendy calm down.. i'm sorta hungry can we just eat??

Wendy: Yeah, sure, whatever. There's food on the table

Kyle: Sweet!

Stan walks over to Wendy and looks at her in disgust
Stan: You have some serious issues and it's not just me.

Wendy: you know that i'm usually the one who's right.

Stan: Okay, let's not argue anymore just forget that happened i'm sure we didn't do anything like that..

Wendy: Alright, i don't want to continue this either since i'm hungry so i made waffles & bacon for all of us.

Stan: Wait does you're mom know you slept over at my place??

Wendy: i called her today, she said it was okay since they're out on vacation right now

Stan: oh okay!

They both walk over to the table and munch down on the food Wendy kindly made for them, it was an awkward silence for a while until Kyle broke it since he couldn't handle the silence anymore

Kyle: So, when did you and Stan start dating again, and how many times have you broken up!

Wendy choked on her food and Stan pat her back multiple times so she wouldn't faint or anything.
Wendy looked at Stan and Stan looked at Kyle and responded back

Stan: Well, that was an out of pocket question but i don't really mind answering.. This is our 15th time together and we started dating 1 month ago on Wendy's birthday

Kyle: Oooh that's super cool dude! May i ask what made you attracted to her again?

Stan blushed and looked at Wendy

Stan: do you wanna tell him??

Wendy: Oh hell yeah i do, so basically it was all a blank but i remember some parts because it was so good, He got super turned on by the dress i was wearing from what he said and we fucked sober!! but then he wanted to make it better so he drunk alcohol and it felt so great... he's really good at dominating people!! And i have to tell you this, he whimpers A LOT.


Kyle started laughing so hard his face turned red (from both blushing and just laughter in general)
Stan saw him laugh, which made him forget what he was saying & he started blushing slightly & started feeling the same as Kyle did before at school.
The butterflies came into his stomach and he started smiling so brightly, he felt something that he never felt before...
                             a SPARK

Kyle stopped laughing and looked at Wendy then he looked at Stan and he noticed how he looked zoned out but he was clueless about what was happening, but truly, Stan's heartbeat was going so quickly.

Kyle: Stan..?? Are you okay?? You seem a little off?

                 ..        A moment of silence        ..

Wendy started to wave her hand across Stan's face and then he suddenly snapped out of his daydream.

Wendy: Hey! Earth to Stan!!

Stan: mmm, AH- huh?? Sorry! I was just thinking about something...

Wendy looked at where he was starring at & noticed he was looking at Kyle with that spark in his eyes. She knew he no longer had that feeling for her, but instead for someone else.

Wendy: oh.. that's.. something ahah

Kyle: What are you two blabbing about??? you sound like morons.

Wendy: Oh shut up, i'm the second smartest kid in school brainiac.

Kyle: Yeah yeah, whatever i guess you're right

Wendy: So! How was the food guys?

Stan: It was alright

Kyle: It was great! Thank you so much for making us breakfast Wendy!

Wendy blushed and realized why Stan liked Kyle more now, so she decided to not make it a big deal.

Stan: What time is it??

Wendy: 2 pm why?

Stan: No reason.. just wonderi-

Kyle: OH SHIT IT'S 2 PM?!

Wendy: Yeah.. i just said that

Kyle: I have to go home to study for the final exams i'm so sorry you two but you both can hang out and catch up or do some romantic.. lovers thing..???

Stan: Chill dude we're a couple but we're not all that

Kyle: You literally fucked her on her birthday you can't be talking right now

Stan: Touché.

Wendy chuckled

Kyle: Okay i'm heading out now, bye!!!

Kyle dashed out the door after packing realizing he needed to calm down since final exams are 4 months from now and there was no rush
END OF CHAPTER 6 - Small Talk
NEXT CHAPTER (7) - School Days

YAYAYAYA I FINALLY POSTED CHAPTER 6 WOOHOO, i wrote this all in one sitting so it's not all that good but i write all of these in one sitting so it's as basic as usual i suppose

I don't know how to feel about this chapter but hey! Next chapter gets better!

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