History project

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After lunch, which was a sandwich that ended in the gap between math and art class, Rory greets her friends and then joins Ben to work on this damn history project.
Apparently they need to create an app that could have been used to mitigate the atrocities of World War II.

Taylor: "Ben is literally a genius, really. And even though our Lorelai would never admit it, she didn't feel and never would have felt up to it, obviously in the school environment. Ben and Devi have been fighting for the top of the class title since the first grade and have achieved very high marks by Rory's standard. She just didn't like school and also cherished when she got a B-. But remember being good at school is not necessarily synonymous with being smart and good at life."

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"Well well, look who shows up at the door of her enemy" Ben gasps theatrically opening the door
"Oh my god..." Lorelai shakes her head already bored by his presence
"You're late, you know that?"
"Yeah, what 5 minutes?" Lorelai asks placing her backpack at the entrance
"15 to be exact." the boy points out

Lorelai is certainly not known to be punctual but today she is really late. Actually, it was because of his mother, they had a fight, nothing new. To make it short the next day would be the dinner where the whole family will be present, including her father who momentarily lives with his lover Robert. She quickly apologizes to Ben but she does not feel compelled to explain why.

"Follow me, let's go to my room" Ben makes his way up the stairs while he just earned a shocked look from Lorelai "You could have told me before you just wanted me in your room, Ben"
"Oh come on."

The house is huge, it is a kind of manor with a pool, the ones you see in American movies.
His room is quite large, with a desk at least two meters long and a double bed placed in the middle of the room. However there were posters of Rick and Morty and spider-man on the walls.

"All right. So in the meantime that you crossed the Sahara to get here I anticipated a little" Ben offers her some papers where he wrote his ideas but they were full of big words that, frankly, the girl did not understand completely "Ah, Jewber, app that helps Jews escape the Nazis"

"It's a brilliant idea admit it" Ben says satisfied crossing his arms to his chest
"I thought it was something more interesting, I mean it's an app that tells a stranger what the exact location of a Jewish person and sends a car to pick them up."
"Whatever, it's very smart, and if you say otherwise, you're an anti-Semite."

"Okay, Benjamin Button, i raise my hands up. You keep doing the research, and I'll do the logo and the power point aesthetics. I definitely have more taste than you" she adds ignoring Ben's vaguely shocked look
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Taylor: Okay, now there's an awkward silence in this room. After about an hour of work where Ben was racking his brain and eyeing every minutes the dictionary and Rory was fiddling on the computer, maybe it was time to take a break.

Lorelai was too distracted drawing the logo, but swears she heard Ben saying something so she asks him to repeat
"So...you're with Ethan?" Ben asks her just to break the silence

Taylor: "No no this girl is fresh and single"

"Mhm mhm..." the girl nods detaching her gaze from the computer

Taylor: "What the hell?"

"... Cool" Ben replies cracking his neck

"What do you think?" she asks him changing the subject and shows the logo of the project
"Let me see- oh it's going very well it's really spot on" he nods as he seems to be scanning the project with his eyes

"I wasn't expecting it, thank you Mr. Gross" she bows theatrically favoring a chuckle from Ben "I received your approval"

Taylor: "Are these two really laughing together? Making progress i see!"

"Take a look at this" Ben gives his notes still smiling
"I have to be honest" Lorelai bites her lip "I don't understand half of these words but it seems like a good job. I feel a little foreign to this"
Actually, the fact that Ben started the job without her didn't make her happy.

He never thought he'd hear these words from Lorelai, but in this case he felt somehow...guilt?

"Lor I looked for these words in the dictionary, even I did not know the meaning and..." he sighs "if I had started the work without you was simply to speed up the time, tonight I have Clippers' game and I can not be late" he admits by crossing the sincere gaze of the girl next to him.

You could see that these 'excuses', don't know what they are, were genuine. She understood it from the fact that those always judgmental eyes had become slightly more understanding "You're softening Gross" She immediately came to her senses.

Ben rolls his eyes and shakes his head "Okay. Looks like we're done so you can go home, I'm sorry you have to go all that way again"
"You're really kicking me out, it's not polite" Rory gasps theatrically while collecting her books
"Thank you for delighting me with your presence," he  says sarcastically helping her gather her things

"Not a problem. Call me when you want me to delight you again"
"You'd like that." Ben chuckles accompanying her down the stairs "Now we can return to insult each other" he says opening the door like a true gentleman
"Bye Ben-Ben!" Lorelai exclaims crossing the doorway

He didn't even notice, but as soon as he closed the door, Ben ended up with a childish smile on his lips.

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben GrossWhere stories live. Discover now