A busy night

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"Woah, what are you doing?" Trent asks her watching the weird girl
"Don't worry. He won't hurt me." Devi says staggering towards the animal
"Devi, be careful" someone gasps
"Oh shit..." Lorelai reaches her with her heavy feet, followed by Ben "What- what the heck is that?" she blinks and suddenly her eyes widened

"A coyote." a guy answer her from the crowd
"Oh my god Devi! What are you doing?" Rory yells, she can't see really well and tries to squint her eyes

Taylor: "Oh no, Devi don't go any closer to him!"

"Dad? I knew it was you. I miss you so much" the girl continues crouching and slurring words because of the alcohol "You're here to cheer me up, right?" She tries to caress him gently but suddenly he attacks her "Ah! No!"

"Yo! A coyote just ate one of the UN!" Trent exclaims cheerfully as if it was a cool thing "That was like a straight-up Red Riding Hood, man. Are you dead?"

Devi grunts as she lies on the lawn and the blood becomes visible on her shoulder.
"Devi? You're bleeding" Rory runs to her friend and tries to help but she's still tipsy

No one else do anything about it, they just watch and record but suddenly Paxton bursts through the crowd helping Lorelai while Ben stands there speechless "Come on." He picks her up and Devi leans on him for support "Just hold on to me. I got you."

"Wait Paxton! We'll come with you" Lorelai stops him approaching the boy's car

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When they arrived at the hospital they stayed outside Devi's room waiting for her mom.
"Hey, you're all over instagram right now." Paxton says showing her all the pics the other guys took
"What do you mean?"
"Yeah, everyone thinks you died. Let's take a pic. Let them know you're good."

While Paxton takes a selfie with Devi, Lorelai peeks into the room winking
"Wait- why are you wearing Ben's sweatshirt? Where's yours-" the girl asks Rory looking her up and down

Lorelai and Ben looks at each other "Well..."
Suddenly Nalini, Devi's mother bursts into the room an angry look on her face as she starts shouting.

Taylor: Fortunately Devi is fine and the others exited the hospital, said their goodbye's and went home leaving Devi to deal with her mother.

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Next morning Lorelai stared at her frazzled face in the mirror for like 10 minutes, cheeks glowing red, her once wavy hair now sticking out in odd places. Her pounding headache was finally subsiding by the end of first period. Rory wasn't that drunk so she remembers everything, apart from some useless things... she probably shouldn't have ignored Ben's advice to drink water.

Shapiro's class just finished and frankly Lorelai hadn't understood anything of what he had explained, certainly the hangover did not help.
She literally begged her mom to stay at home but that of course didn't work.
Rory opens her locker, glaces in the mirror applying mascara and catch a glimpse of Ben walking by "Oh jesus, look who's here the walking dead?" he smirks opening his locker.
"Piss off" Lorelai answers him bored slamming the door

"Sleep well last night?" Ben looks at her noticing the bags under her eyes but he's been reciprocated by a gaze of are you kidding me?
"Okay, I guess that's what I get for showing concern" he rolls his eyes picking up his books "Now you should say 'thank you Ben! I am so happy that you looked out for me. I really appreciate that'" he promotes Rory to speak. Ben really enjoys to drive this girl crazy.

"You're insufferable" she yawns "Instead, how can you be fresh and rested?"
"Well, thank you" he replies proudly, Rory gives him an annoyed gaze "I'm not a drankard"
"It's called living your adolescence"
"More like destroy your future" he points out raising his eyebrows
"You're so dramatic"
"That's not what you meant last night" he smirks lightly

"Rory!" Fabiola yells, followed by Eleanor "Where were you? We've been looking for you everywhere!"
"This school is not that big" she smiles warmly as she sees the two girls "Saved by the girl, see you later Ben-Ben" Lorelai greets him before following her friends "Don't miss me too much"
"Too late!"

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben GrossWhere stories live. Discover now