Happy birthday!

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"Curfew?" Lorelai asks them while doing her makeup.

Taylor: "She swears that her room has never been so messy, maybe when she invited her friends at her sleepover in eighth grade...anyway Devi called them and told that she'll be a little late cause her mom wants her to study before"

"I don't have it" El replies, choosing something to put on from Rory's wardrobe
"Me neither, at least i hope" Rory grins "Eleanor, you can also go in the walk-in closet if you do not find anything there"
"That's so cool!"
"Anyone wants some glitter?" Fabiola asks, the other girls nod excitedly

Taylor: "Sometimes the funnier thing is not always the party, but getting ready with your friends!"

"Guys" Rory calls them "What should i wear?"
In the end she chose a short one-shoulder black dress and a pair of texan boots.

But while the three girls laugh and joke, trying not to ruin their makeup Rory's phone rings
"Who's it?" Fabiola asks
"Oh it's Devi" Rory replies pressing the speaker phone "Hey Devi, you're coming over?"

"Guys my mom said i should stay at home to 'study' with Kamala. That's so unfair" Devi scoffs while Eleanor face palms herself

"What? You have to convince her!" El says in a sad tone
"Devi you have to come" Rory insist "Come on it's not some weird party of junkies, it's just Ben's birthday"

"I knoww, but she won't let me"
"Devi, you'll find a way. You always do" Fabiola adds

"You go, I'll let you know later" the poor girl hang up the phone sighing
"Bye..." all of them mutter

"That sucks" Lorelai groans sitting down
"Guys i know she'll come." Fab states "Trust me"

Taylor: "After a long ride, not because Ben lives in the middle of nowhere but because of Penelope, Rory's mother, they finally arrived. Let's have some fun!"

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"Hey Trent, hey Marcus" Ben says approaching the boys who are serving punch "Uh, can i get a cup of that punch?"

Taylor: "Well i mean it's your birthday"

"Oh it's not punch. It's grandma juice" Trent warns chuckling "cause one sip makes you demented!"
"Yeah, woah" Marcus nods laughing
"Tell me what you think, bro"

Ben gives it a sip, then coughs
"How is your grandma, Trent?" Marcus asks sipping the juice
"She has her good days." the boy sighs returning serious

"You actually got something for him?" Eleanor sounds almost in disbelief when she sees a gift bag in Lorelai's hands
"Yeah...you did not?" Rory scoffs, looks the girls who clearly didn't "Anyway, i am gonna give it to him. I'll be right back"

"Hey!" Lorelai waves towards Ben, offering him a soft smile "Happy birthday"
Ben's eyes lit up watching Lorelai, she's wow...her dress embraces perfectly her curves and her wavy hair frames her face.

There it is that strange feeling in his chest.

He puts down the drink and approaches her "Oh hey, thank you(?)"
"You're always so...i wanted to be nice to you today" she jokes
"Wanted?" Ben teases "Come on. Let's get inside"

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"Hi" Devi says finally entering the house
"Devi!" Fabiola greets her friend "See i told you she'd find a way
"Yeah i blackmailed Kamala" Devi admits
"What?" the two girls asks simultaneously
"Uh it doesn't matter"
"Ookay, I heard that there were drinks by the pool"
"Yeah! Come with us" Eleanor smirks

"Have you lost Rory along the way? Wait, she's not getting drunk like last time isn't she?" Devi raises a eyebrow, praying that she isn't cause last time was a freaking mess
"Nah, she was with Ben"
"With Ben?"

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"Woah that's your cake?!" Lorelai giggles, the cake was literally Ben's head, blue eyes and everything "Literally your cake"
A second after that Trent savagely bites it, he looks like a poorly fed animal
"Was" Ben replies wide eyed

Inside the house it is a completely mess, as if he hadn't invited almost the whole school. Older girls giggle like hens, Eric just puked in the kitchen sink and then pretends nothing has happened, the others are probably already drunk or high. If Rory's house was like this, her mom would have freaked out.

"Hey come, let me give you a tour" Ben leads the way
"Sure" the girl nods following him.
Rory looks around her, Ben notices that and smiles proudly cause his house is actually amazing and he knows it.
"Take a right"
"Holy shit" Lorelai covers her mouth "Is this a screening room?" If there is something Rory loves it's movies.
"This is a dream." she mutters turning around the room like a child admiring with her eyes "Imagine watching the reputation tour on netflix here"

Taylor: "You get it, girl"

"I don't know what you're talking about but thanks" Ben admits in a confused expression "My dad tore down a historical landmark to build it"
"Oh- Aren't your parents gonna be pissed you threw a huge party here?"

"Oh nah" he shakes his head "They're the ones who told me to throw it. I think they feel guilty about ditching me on my birthday"
"Ah, i'm sorry." Lorelai sighs looking right into his sensitive eyes
"I'm used to it" Ben explains sitting down on the couch, Lorelai does the same "My life is like 'Home Alone' but if the parents realized that Kevin got left behind, and they just like stayed in Paris" he tries to laughs it off
"That sucks"

Rory stops and think, maybe she sees Ben in a different light now. When she heard what he's going through, last night, she felt more connected with him in some kinda way.

Rory looks over and sees Ben already looking in her direction "Uh, i brought you a present you can open it if you want to" she says breaking the silence, offering him the envelope containing the gift
"Wow. Thank you" attached to it a note with written 'happy b-day nerd' that makes him chuckle
"It's actually the only present i got other than that postcard from my dentist"
"Well i'm honored to be your first" Lorelai smiles and he feels his heart skipping a beat

Taylor: "I never thought i'd say it but you two are so cute!"

The boy scoots a little closer to her, he looks into those brown bambi eyes. He can see the glint of happiness, is it because she's with him?
He doesn't think twice about it.
Ben nervously puts his hand on the girl's cheek, Lorelai for a moment let her eyes close
"Ben..." she mutters softly

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben GrossWhere stories live. Discover now