"Jealous girl"

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Taylor: "Hey dear readers, it's always Tay here! Let me remind you what happened this weekend"

"Ben..." she mutters softly
"Wait-" Lorelai gently pushes his chest away
"I-i am sorry" Ben immediately pulls back, shaking his head. He was already nervous, that was the confirm that what he was doing is wrong "You're right you-you are dating that Ethan" he rambles
"No, Ben i-" Rory tries to stop him
"I don't know what i was thinking."

Taylor: "but an hour after..."

"Whoa!" Devi pushes Ben away "Were you just tryna kiss me?!"

Taylor: "So yeah, the air now is quite heavy"

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The monday after, everyone returned to school, except Trent that was still sobering up, 'cause he drank even on Sunday.

"Hey, Lor!" Ben exclaims leaning towards Lorelai's locker. Here he is."Um did something kinda weird happen? Or did i do something dumb at my party?" he asks with a fake nonchalance

Taylor: "Nah"

"Anyway, if i did, that was just alcohol doing its tang. So i...i hope that you're not feeling weird or awkward, because i-"

"Ben" Rory, rolling her eyes, stops his rambling "i've already told you, you don't have to explain what the f-

Taylor: "what the fuck, yeah say it"

"what was happening in your brain"

"No, i am sorry" Ben continues, his puppy eyes following her in the hallway "i hope that it won't make things awkward between us" while she's watching her way, but suddenly stops in her tracks finally looking in his direction "Nope, it's all right"

Pretending that she didn't spend the whole night thinking about why Ben was trying to kiss Devi. Like, it was already weird that she was flirting with Lorelai, which she didn't mind but she didn't want to kiss him...but then Devi?! She rejects him and Ben goes to Devi? But, in the first place, why is she even worrying about it?!

"Are you okay?" Ben brings her back to earth

"Yeah" The girl, who hadn't even noticed but she'd been there staring into the space for a bounch of seconds, hints a smile and head to the classroom

During lunch break Lorelai has barely spoken to any of her friends and during history class she couldn't even listen to Mr. Shapiro 'cause in her mind there was a constant image, blue eyes. The fact that didn't help is that he is sitting right next to her.

˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷

"Hey" Ethan sits next to her on the sofa, winking
"Hi, Ethan." Rory muttered while he takes her by the hips letting her sit on his lap "'Sup? Wanna go to the supply closet?" the hot guy propose going in kissing her neck softly

But perfect time she catches a glimpse of Ben passing by the cafeteria, Rory focus, you can do this.

"Hey" Rory smiles slightly pushing him away "I actually wanted to talk to you"
"Yeah, what's the matter"
"Well i think we shouldn't do this anymore" Lorelai spits out, come on there wasn't a easier way to say
She can swear she saw something disappear in his eyes, his face does not look mischievous anymore but more fragile "So you're dumping me?"

"Sweet Ethan" the girl caresses his cheek, sighing "We aren't dating but yeah, but don't get me wrong this thing was good, very good.  just- don't feel like doing it anymore" Lorelai confessed, putting the backpack on her shoulder, leaving the boy alone on the couch "Goodbye"

Fortunately everything went well. Shapiro decided to make tests real tests and not to base his assessments on emotions, and Lorelai got a B+ on the Spanish test.
For the rest of the day she's been avoiding Ben, trying her best to avoid eye contact and she successfully managed to get through the day without running into him again.

Until she goes to get all her stuff and then head straight home, she sees something from the mirror reflection inside the locker, Ben is kissing someone.
The girl's hands are on Ben's cheeks while holding him tight, his hands around her waist.

That girl is Devi Vishwakumar.

Lorelai feels something inside, something she shouldn't feel normally, like a wince in her stomach.
She slams the door of her locker, and finally the two of them detach, Rory leaves.

Taylor: "Ookay Alexa, play 'jealous girl' by lana del rey"

Ben freezes at Rory's uptight stature. She can't be jealous of Ben Gross. It isn't right.
"Lorelai!" Ben calls, reaching to her with speedy step

"I don't have time for this" Lorelai cuts short, completely ignoring his gaze
"I want to- she kissed me, I swear"
"Why are you telling me this?" she stops, facing Ben "We're not together, so don't feel like you need to tell me"

"I don't know..." he says softly
"Do you like Devi?" the girls asks, her eyes sparkling as she looks over him. If he likes her, why would he ever try to kiss Lorelai? Was Rory a rebound to get over her?

Ben's eyes darts "No- no, that's not it" he asks himself... why is she even mad, isn't Lorelai dating that hot guy? "You shouldn't be with that Ethan Morales."
"What has this got to do" she scoffs

"Did you see what he did to Devi's car?"
"Of course... it's all about Devi!" Lorelai snaps and she hates it. Making a scene was the last thing she wanted to do. Confusion takes over his face and he shakes his head.

Lorelai turns her heels and starts to walk away "Look, Lor" I stop her taking her hand "he is not good for you... you- deserve someone better" Ben admits as he steps out, trying to get closer to her.

"Then who's good for me? Ben, who?" she plead, shaking voice "who deserves me..."
Ben just stares the girl with innocent eyes, his brows furrow. It looks like it has something to say, he's hesitant, Rory can see it in his eyes that are scanning Lorelai's vulnerable figure.

But he doesn't say a thing. "I should go now" she nods, clutching the backpack strap

"Anyway," she sighs, turning around one more time, her eyes suddenly find the floor more interesting "I'm not with Ethan, I've never been."

"Shit" curses Lorelai whispered, she fell for Ben Gross.

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben GrossWhere stories live. Discover now