Should've stayed in bed

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"Wait-" Lorelai gently pushes his chest away
"I-i am sorry" Ben immediately pulls back, shaking his head. He was already nervous, that was the confirm that what he was doing is wrong "You're right you-you are dating that Ethan" he rambles
"No, Ben i-" Rory tries to stop him
"I don't know what i was thinking."
"It's alr-"
"Just forget i did that" he continues stepping over her words "I should go" he literally runs off the room, leaving her mouth agape, thinking about what just happened and facing the enormous white screen in front of her.

Ben let's put a breath stumbling down the stairs. That could have been his first kiss, and he has been rejected. But in first place what was he doing? He doesn't like how he feels in this moment, and more important Lorelai has a boyfriend.

Going out the screening room Lorelai notices Devi and waves at the girl before taking one look at the crowd and walking through it "I am so happy you're here"
"I am too" she smiles "Where were you?"
"I'll get some punch." Rory cuts short "Come with me" and takes her by the hand
"I-i wouldn't recommend you" Devi stops her "Trent puts his balls in it."

"What happened?"
"No no nothing. Don't worry" Lorelai sighs "I- i think i'm just a little tired"
"It's a freaking party and you're tired?" Devi laughs "Who you are and what have you done with Lorelai"
"I know" she shakes her head "i think i'm going to eat something"

"Oh hey you're here" Fab exclaims, Lorelai nods, sitting down next to her and resting her head against Fabiola's shoulder "You alright?"
"I'm hungry and, unfortunately not drunk" Rory scoffs taking a slice of pizza, it was obviously frozen one "I guess not..." she puts it down, her face contracts in a disgusted expression

˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷

Maybe a hour passed...or more? Lorelai doesn't even know. She just sat on the sofa, danced and listened to some girls that continued saying 'i wish he ordered sushi!'

Suddenly she hears Devi in the distance.
"Whoa!" Devi pushes him away "Were you just tryna kiss me?!"
" Yes, i'm sorry...sorry" Ben shuts his eyes close
"It's cool" she calms him down, shaking her head
"It's cool?" and he goes for another kiss

Taylor: "Are you kidding me?!"

"Ben! What the hell?!" Devi raises her voice "Now it's weird. You've made it weird"

"What the?" Rory's eyes narrows "Devi, he tried to kiss you?"
"Twice. But it's not a big deal" Twice.
Ben bounces his eyes between Lorelai's shocked eyes and Devi's weirded ones, while while his cheeks paint pink

"What's going on?" Devi asks looking over her friend, she's completely unaware that Ben Gross tried to kiss the both of them and he's been rejected three times "This situation is becoming wayy too weird"
"Hey hey, i'm sorry i'm kinda drunk"
"Mh i can tell." Devi replies watching him up and down

The boy gingerly walks over to Lorelai, his blue eyes apparently innocent "I didn't-"
"Ben, it's totally- you don't have to tell me anything" Lorelai cuts him off, crossing her arms to her chest
"No, i-i'm serious. I had way too much of Trent's punch"
"Fabiola is drinking it" she informs Devi

"Oh my..." Devi runs to the girl in the garden "Fabiola, no!" she screams and tries abruptly to take the drink out of her hands but ends up dropping all the punch all over Fabiola's white suit
Everybody turns around hearing the loud noise
"What the hell, Devi?!" Fab flinches "This suit is Anjelica Huston for Kohl's. I spent my science fair winning on it!"
Lorelai rushes to follow Devi, soon everyone goes outside curious to see what's going on.

"I'm sorry..." Devi apologize while Eleanor helps her friend to clean the jacket with a napkin, failing "Trent put his balls in-"
"I don't care." Fab stops her upset "I don't want to hear an excuse!"
"What does that mean?"
"Fabiola, let's just go. Come on" El tries to trail it off
"No! I'm popping off. I just wanted on night where i wasn't sucked into your drama, and now i'm drenched in it."

"My drama? It's not my fault my dad died"
"I'm not talking about that. You've became this fake person. Now you only care about popularity and Paxton. Even when i say that i am gay!"

"Wait what?" a boy in the crowd whispers
Fabiola realizes what she just did, her eyes widens looking around her she find everybody looking at them "Dammit!" her body freezing in place "You just made me come out to our whole class!"

"Um, just to get it" Jonah interjects "i'm gay too."
"Uh, obvi" Trent mutters

Devi scoffs and slowly moves backwards "I'm just-" if it weren't that the pool was right behind her "Oh!" she yells falling inside and causing a big splash
"What's happening today, jesus" Lorelai runs a hand over her face "I should've stayed in bed"

As if it wasn't enough the girls are now surrounded by laughs.

Ben looks for her in the crowd but when the note Lorelai shakes her head and looks away.
The air is tense.

Taylor: "Getting ready was indeed funnier."

The story of us ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ Ben GrossWhere stories live. Discover now