Hiro x Karmi Part 12

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Narrators pov again! Btw for those wondering, Hiro is 15, Karmi is 17.

Hiro was now working in his lab, sketching ideas to add to the team's base technology. 

"Ah! I've got it!!" He yelped, throwing himself and the chair away from the desk with his legs.

"What have you... "got"?" Asked Baymax.

"Okay, so ya know how Sycorax had those bots that would bring the employees and cute interns- I MEAN INTERNS! Food? Well, I thought that when I go into KreiTech, where they were made, I could examine and recreate an alternate version. They would do the same things, except MINE will be better." He said as he began sketching. The pencil flew across the sketchbook page. 

"How will you... improve this design?"

"Oh, yeah! I-im gonna increase the capacity, replace its chip with one that is kinda like Skymax's, but with a capability of speaking like you and Basemax!" 


"Yeah!! The team is gonna love this!" He said excitedly as he scooted over to the computer to render it. After about 5 hours of working straight, he heard a knock on his door. The translucent window became transparent after the knock. Hiro turned to see who it was, after all, anyone on the team would just bust open the door. His eyes were met with the person that his eyes desired to see the most. Karmi. Hiro immediately jumped out of his chair, fixing his hair as he walked to open the door.

"Oh-uh, hey Karmi! Didn't expect to see you here! Come in." He said, as he gestured towards the couch in his lab.

"Ohhhh yes you DID, genius!" Karmi replied, sitting with him, elbowing him.

"Oh yeah? What's that supposed to mean?" He said, smirking at her in a playful competitive way.

"Take a guess!" She laughed.

"Ha! I'm uh- guessing you... liked the flowers?" He asked, blushing and avoiding eye contact.

"I'm pretty sure you guessed right..." she said with a flirty soft smile, beginning to blush, which only made Hiro's eyes widen and blush more.

"Huh! Maybe I AM a genius! So... I'm just GUESSING... that you'd..." he swallowed hard nervously.

"Maybe meet up some time at the cafe with me?" He forced his eyes shut, too afraid to see her facial expression. Unbeknownst to him, she was grinning ear to ear, and blushing wildly. After a quick mini celebration to herself, she replied.

"Heh! If this is your way of asking me out, then..." Hiro opened his eyes, but nervous.

"Hell yeah. I'll be there Saturday, im guessing you will be too?" This made his heart skip a beat.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there! I'll see you then!" He said, grinning.

"Can't wait, cutie-I MEAN HIRO!" She gasped at her error, wide eyes. This at first surprised Hiro, but his face quickly changed to a look of love and joy. 

"OH WOW IT'S ALREADY 3:00! I UH- GOTTA GO, BUT I WILL UH- SEE YOU SATURDAY! BYE!" She said as she lept up from her sitting place. 

"Yep, see ya too, Rose!" He said with a playful smirk on his face. He saw Karmi walk out, and then through the window, saw her jump up and down squealing with joy. 

"About time the hot genius asks me out! BEST! DAY! EVER!!!" She squealed. 

In a moment of shock, love, and sudden confidence, he decided to text her:

"About time I asked out the beautiful genius"

He sighed a love sigh, and leaned back in his chair, never more at peace; more happy and at peace than ever before.

Thank you so much for reading! I know this was a longer one, I was just  really excited to write this chapter!

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