Hiro x Karmi Part 16

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"Ah! Internnn! You're finally here. Work on your transportation speed, will you?" Krei said, eyebrow raised, poking Baymax in the stomach. Holding back his frustrations, he sighed and did his best.

"I'll uh... work on that!" He said through his teeth and fake smile.

"Excellent! Anyways, I have a few tech invention ideas, and I need another opinion." He said. Hiro stared at the clipboard in Krei's arms, half worried about that kind of junk would be on that list, and half confident to share his opinions.

"Yeah, okay! What's first on the uh... list?!?!" He walked to Krei's side to see the list, only to see thousands of words in a small font. His jaw dropped.

"Oh don't worry! We still have list #2! He said, revealing an entirely new, much larger clipboard.


"Is there a PROBLEM, intern??" Krei said impatiently.

"N-*sigh* No, Mr. Krei. What's... what's first on the list?" He said, knowing he would be for a long while.

"YE-HES! Okay, so, my first idea- *sharp, dramatic inhale* ROOF! REPAIR! ROBOOOTTTTSSSS!!" He announced, sitting down and gesturing to another empty chair nearby. Hiro took a seat, wearing a smug smile, so ready to push back down this idea.

"YEAHAHAAAA!" He cheered.

"REALLY?! YOU THINK SO?!" Krei rose from his chair, excited and hopeful.

"No. We- we have architects for that!" He said.

"W-Well... Then... Then they wouldn't have to do so much work!!" He sprung back.

"Crossing out a career for thousands of people across the world, weakening our economy..." he said, with a smug smile. He knew this would be easy.

"I- WELL- oh Fine! Now, onto option two..." 

3 Hours later...

"Okay Intern! I PROMISE this is the FINAL ONE!" Said Krei confidently.

"About time..." he muttered under his breath.



"YES, OKAY, HEAR ME OUT, INSTEEEEAAADDD of having to park your car at the gas station, or go to a station to charge your electric vehicle, you just pop a little nugget of direct fuel! Available at the grocery store! Easy, convenient, eco-friendly! Take THAT, LiV AmARa!!" This was the first GOOD idea Krei had! 

"Interesting! What would the fuel be?" He said, excited to hear more for once.

"Yes, it's- its... solidified gas station gasoline BUT!!!! THIS IS CHEAPER, AND MORE CONVENIENT!" Hiro pushed his face into his palm.

"Oookkaaayyyy... h-how much do you plan on selling these for?" He asked, expecting an absurd amount of money that no civilized person would consider "cheap". But... to his surprise, it WAS reasonable! 

"6.99 for a pack of 80, 12.99 for a pack of 160, 18.99 for a pack of 240, and so on!" He said pridefully.

"That's... actually not bad! Not bad at all! In my opinion, I think it's a good idea to invest in!"

"HAHAAA! YES! I KNEW YOU'D LIKE IT! Alright, dismissed." He said, jumping from his chair.

"Bye, Mr. Krei." He said as he drifted down in the elevator. On the ride down, he picked up his phone to see a text from Karmi. "So, anything dumb from Krei? Lol!" It read. He smiled, and replied, "299 dumb ones, and 1 decent." After a few minutes, he had a great idea of where to go on a date with her. He was mostly confident she would say yes, based on her interest of going on another. (I've got it! The arcade!  W-what's cuter than winning a girl a stuffed animal from a claw machine, beating her in Pac-Man, and getting frozen yogurt after?! I-I- It's perfect!!) He thought. 

He smiled and texted, "Speaking of ideas... I've got one. Do you... wanna go out Friday? I was thinking the Arcade." A part of him was still worried that she would say no. That part was quickly hushed after an excited reply. "Omg yes! But be warned, I'm REALLY good at packman! 😜" He smiled, feeling fluttering in his chest. This was one of his favorite parts of their relationship- the competitive, friendship-like elements. "We'll see!" He replied. He remembered he has class tomorrow. Granville's class. Environmental Biology, with Karmi. He normally hated that class, but suddenly.... It didn't seem that bad anymore...

Thank you so much for reading again! Y'all's support means the world to me!

AMELIAAAAAA! HAHAHA YES I AM BACK! Since APPARENTLY my LAST threats weren't "exciting" enough for you, we got some new ones. Ones that I WILL act on... You mention ANYTHING to do with our lil secret (knowledge of this fanfic) to peeps at star, I'll slap Violet In the face, hypnotize Collin into being in love with you, and kick Mr Bates! HOW'S THAT FOR YA?!?! 

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