Hiro x Karmi Part 25

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Hiro jumped up out of bed, beyond extatic to begin his job. He started to put on a suit and tie, and then grabbed his new keys, and ran out the door to get something from the lucky cat. Afew minutes later, after his return, Karmi sat up and rubbed her eyes. 

"Oh! Uh, hey! Good morning!" He said, waving  to her through the mirror. "I uh- g-got you something from the lucky cat, I-if you don't like it I can totally get you something else..." he said. Karmi smiled graciously, which made his heart melt a little. She got up, walked over, and kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning... oooh! What did you get me?!" She said, looking at the bag. 

"WOAH! UH! Y-Y-YEAH! U-u-uuu-um, vanilla croissant and medium mocha with 2 ounces of coconut vanilla milk?" He said, still dazed and surprised by the kiss. 

"UH! How did you know! I love coconut vanilla!" She said, grabbing the bag, and then hugging tightly onto Hiro.

"Woah! Uh, glad you like it!" He said, hugging her back. After a few moments, she finally let go, and pulled her hair into a perfect long ponytail. She grabbed a Grey sweater and a short black skirt, and started to pull off her clothes. Hiro was so dazed from love that he didn't even notice this, until he snapped back. 

"AAAGH!" He said, flipping to turn away as fast as possible, blushing wildly. He had only seen a tiny bit of underneath, but it was still enough to slap him right back into a daze. 

"CRAP!" she said with wide eyes, flipping around. "Hiroooo! What did you seee?!" She asked, pulling on the new sweater. 

"WHA-?? N-nothing! I-I mean, it's not like I- uh- uh...!!" He stuttered out nervously. 

"Mmhmm. Suuuurrrreee... alright, whatever, are you ready?" She asked, putting on a silver crystal necklace. 

"Uhh almost! I just gotta get my boxes and then I'm good!" 

"Same!" She said, picking up a stack of three large boxes with one arm, flexing the other., mocking him, to which he scoffed and rolled his eyes in return. A few minutes later, they both headed out the door.

"Baymaxxx! Come on!!" Hiro shouted, leaving the door open. 

"You're bringing a health monitoring robot to your first day at the job??" She said, looking puzzled.

"Yep! Not to brag, but uh, my updates and upgrades are pretty dang impressive!" He relied confidently. Baymax wedged and squeezed himself through the door slowly, and Karmi hid her face, pretending she didn't know them. They arrived at the building 7 minutes later, and out pooped two teens, an army of boxes, a one giant marshmallow. Baymax picked up all of the boxes, and the couple walked in, bright smiles, straight posture, and saw two adults walk into the lobby and approach them. Hiro's back dropped with nervousness. One man, and one woman stood before them. The man approached hiro, wearing a good looking suit and tie, white collared shirt, and fresh hair cut, large broad shoulders, with a wrench in one hand, and a clipboard in the other. His badge on his suit read, "Joshua Refracten, Bio-robotics manager". 

"Heyyy! How's it going, man?" He said casually with a smile. 

"Oh! Uh, hi, sir! I'm uh, I'm Hiro." He said nervously.

"Ay, nice to meet ya. Hol up! YOOO! I-is that your robot y'all were talkin about?? Ohohohooo!" He said with a sudden hurst of enthusiasm. He ran up to Baymax and pressed his face against his pillowy structure.  


"Oh! Uh, yeah! This is Baymax, I-I didn't build him, actually, it was my brother-"


"Hello. I, am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." Baymax said. 

"Yeahhh, I made a few tweaks..." he said confidently. 

"Man, this is great! Come on, I'll give you a tour of the robotics lab!!" He said, dragging Hiro to a different hall. Karmi smiled and waved goodbye. She then turned to face HER boss, a tall woman with brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes, wearing a lab coat and goggles above her head, with a huge smile. 

"Hi! I'm Karmi, pleased to meet you!" She said.

"Hi! I'm super excited to meet you, too! I'm Fiora, Biotech manager! Come on, come on, come on! I'll show you the biotech hall! EEEEH YOURE GONNA LOVE IT!" She said in a super happy, chipper voice. 

Hiro and his manager walked into a hall, with glass doors and windows showing the labs, with silver labels next to the door, each reading numbers 1-200. Some bigger than others, some smaller. After a bit of walking and chatter, they stopped at lab #15, which had a custom engravement, "Hiro Hamada, Robotics apprentice, lab #15." 

"Awesome!" He muttered under his breath. 

"Oh, by the way man, you can call me Josh." He said, opening the glass door to his lab. Hiro's jaw  dropped. It was a HUGE space, with a humongous hexagon-shaped window in the center, with 3 tables on each side of the lab." 

"I'll let ya get settled. Let me know when your all moved in, and then imma send you your first assignment. Sound good?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, yeah! Sounds great!" He said, still looking around his lab. Knowing Karmi was only a few doors away, living her own dream, and him just starting his, he looked up with a look of gratitude and love. 

"We made it, Tadashi." He said, looking around.

Thank you so much for reading! If you didn't know, I have another book called, "Passed down". It's good, if you wanna read it. Or not! Byeeee!

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