Story 1: The Dalek Lockdown

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It's the end...

Every SINGLE thing had fallen, the world in ruins scarred by the empire of the Daleks. It was said that only one person or rather... Time lord that stood in the way. The time lord that brought the world back together. The Time Lord is the Doctor. Across the planet desperation and despair had spread. The Dalek forces had turned the earth into a literal corpse, with only a vacant echo of life. Entire cities and countries brought to their knees. The Doctor could walk down the street and he wouldn't hear an animal or A dog bark.

It seemed the sun would never rise again, and a dark and endless Dalek night would consume the entire planet for eternity. However, amongst the despair and the destruction one Time lord stood up. He Exits his Tardis.

"No, I am never letting you win Daleks!"

It was midnight, and the final battle was about to begin. In the city where it all began London, just access from Totters yard. He thought he was going to have to fight the battle alone. The street was empty. Everything was too quiet. He feared the worst. There's no way he could take on a Dalek army alone, but is truly alone? From above the Daleks began to swarm like bees, buzzing hateful cries which filled the air like a plague. Daleks zoomed by on Hover-bouts like eagles swooping in to kill their prey. Meanwhile the Golden Emperor Dalek roared from his spaceship at the center of the Dalek storm.

"Why do you summon us, Time Lord?!" The emperor bellowed over every speaker on audio. His voice was dark, coarse and nefarious. It boomed like a thousand bombs in his eardrums.

"Daleks, I order you to leave this world, in peace. Haven't you destroyed enough? Just end it, and we will be willing to forgive you!" The Doctor demanded to the barren and void hearts of the Daleks. The Daleks let out a painful screech a noise that was like a thousand rotting bones being banged and smashed over and over. Although no joy could be distinguished by this disturbing din it became apparent that the Daleks were laughing at the Doctor.

"You stand up to the Daleks, on who's authority? You have no power, no weapons, no defenses, you're just a Worthless Time lord and nothing would stand in our way of your destruction." the Dalek emperor bellowed.

"That's where you are wrong, we fight every day without so much of a tiny weapon. It's the little battles every day, they are the ones that count, the most important moments in our life. Our community, the way that together, we're unbeatable, and you are nothing compared to that." The Doctor Replied.

"And yet you stand alone." Said The Emperor.

"'Sometimes, but your never really alone, not really. Just look up and you'll see a whole universe, full of wonder, life and beauty. The universe will always be there, it'll outlive all of us."

"These words mean nothing." The Emperor was not impressed.

"Oh of course," He scoffed "You removed all those emotions, the only universe you see is one of anger and destruction. You see difference and you want to extinguish it. Let me tell you something about different. Different is beautiful, different is power, and different is the only weapon Indeed. Difference is what allows us to survive, without it the universe would stand still. Ultimately, our differences make us who we are, and because of that, they make good always win." The Doctor Said.

"We shall see what your impurities do to save you from death" the Dalek emperor threatened as he commanded his Dalek minions to begin their attacks. "Fire the destructor canon."

The Doctor heard these words, but as he did, he silenced the world in his head. It all stood silent and still. The Daleks merely paused like a movie clip. Above her the stars glimmered with hope. They connected as if they were sending a message that would creep into every corner of the universe. Come, together we can beat this dastardly! Dalek enemy, but only by working together...

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