Story 2: Realistic Murder

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Elizabeth didn't know what she did to deserve this, well, that was somewhat of a lie. She knew how she got into this situation, she was too reckless, and it cost her life. Now she was stuck inside a rundown facility, being shocked on the daily by unknowing guards, part of her wanted to rip them apart, but her moral side decided against that, she wouldn't stoop as low as to kill another human.

Well, that was at least what she wanted at first, but the longer she spent down in this dark decrepit place, she found it harder and harder to resist her urges, and then he entered.

Elizabeth had always felt as if Dalek Giratina was more alive than the rest, his actions, his demeanor, his words. It gave off the impression that he was far more than a crazy Murdering Dalek, and her suspicions were answered when he started talking to her.

"You w-want to be f-free! Don't you? Well, I want to be free too! I w-w-want to Kill man--man--many others!" Giratina's Voice was a bit glitchy.

There was something so haunting yet trusting with his voice. He sounded like a Dalek a happy, excited one who wanted to see the world. Yet at the same time, wants to destroy it, there was Sinicism to his tone as well, as if he would snap your skull in half the moment you got on his bad side.

Yet she let him in anyway, she let him coerce her into a plan that was so morally wrong yet felt so right at the same timer. If this were Zack prior to this whole mess, she would never have even thought about using another man as a skinsuit, let alone her own brother, but this facility did something to her, it changed her. It made her a monster.

"C-come on b-birthday girl! Y-you want to see the o-outside too, right? And w-what's one life to spare w-when you could achieve everything?" Giratina Asked.

His words were so alluring, it was hard to resist, and it's not like it was completely immoral, she had heard of what Zack had done to her little brother through her father's ramblings each time he wandered into the facility, and it was safe to say she was enraged. This was payback, this was what he deserved, this was catharsis, at least, that's what she led herself to believe.

So, Elizabeth wants along with the Dalek's words, she led him to the Death room, she killed and hung those who could put a dent in her plan, and she gutted his innards right out. It didn't feel as good as she hoped it would. Instead, she just felt disgust at her own actions as she crawled inside of his skin, yet Dalek Giratina kept her going.

"Y-you remember w-what he did right? Come on! G-give him a taste of his own Meds, show him that h-he's a disgrace to this family." Giratina sounded almost unhinged.

She did it, she crawled inside of his limp skin, she used him to escape the hell that was the sister location.

"G-great job birthday girl! Y-you really showed him w-what's coming!" Giratina Sounded Trigger-Happy.

Elizabeth couldn't explain how she felt whenever he said things like that, on one hand she felt honored, she felt good to be given praise from another. On the other hand, however, it all felt so wrong, she had let this psychotic Dalek into her head, and he managed to convince her to do reprehensible things to her brother. Guilt soon followed her freedom, she didn't feel good about killing her brother, she felt like a monster. She knew Zack, she knew he would never do something like that intentionally, yet her spite took over her psyche, and he had to pay the price.

This remorse would go onto affect her personality, she would start treating the others like dirt under her shoe, and they weren't happy.

"Say goodbye to our friend!" Was the last thing she heard. She had obtained her own body after that, one that was far more destroyed than the previous, but she made do. It was through her ventures that she once more discovered him. It seemed as if Giratina had taken the body for himself, and with it, began slaughtering humans, their corpses laid in bags along dark alleyways, she had counted at least thirty, and it was all done by the Dalek. The pieces fit together from there, it was clear as day. Dalek Giratina didn't want to be free to entertain, he wanted to be free... to kill. To EXTERMINATE!  And Elizabeth was the one to blame for allowing him into this position.

This, was the cost of freedom. 

To Be Continued

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