Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We are sent back to our room to change into nicer clothes. I grab my armor and put it on under the dress I'm wearing so I can just ditch before the opera even begins. I put my com in before I leave my room to make sure it's working.

"Fury? Hill? Com test."

"I got you Stark, com test complete."

I nod to myself before making sure I got what I needed. All I did was change, unlike some who wanted to curl their hair or something. I sat in the lobby waiting for the class. A couple kids show up and are sitting in a different area of the lobby.

Then I see Peter walk in. He has a worried look spread across his face. I quickly look back down before he notices me looking. I see his feet start to walk towards me.

"Hey." He says half-smiling

"Hi." I say doing a little wave with my hand

"Are you excited for the show?" He asks

"I guess, it's a little better than the loud distracting carnival."

"I get that." He chuckles


Before the awkward silence sets in Mr.Harrington says it's time to leave. We all get up and start walking in the direction of the concert hall. I try to stay near the back so I can leave as soon as we walk into the building. Just my luck is that Peter and Mary Jane are walking behind me.

I can feel the awkwardness radiating off of them. My heart hurts a little more as we continue walking through the crowd. I hear Flash complaining about something else up ahead, probably about having to go to the opera.

Once one of my teachers knows I've walked into the very quiet building I start walking back towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mary Jane asks me, I stop in my tracks and turn around

"To the bathroom" I say a little annoyed

"Bathroom is that way." She points to the "Women's Restroom" sign on my left

"Oh thank you." I act relieved and walk into the bathroom.

I wait a couple minutes before activating my armor and flying out of the bathroom into the open sky. I quickly fly to the tower we are supposed to observe from and Peter isn't there.

"Are you in position?" Fury asks


"No." I hear come from Peter

"Why the hell not!" Fury yells

Suddenly the coms are full of feedback, I take out my ear piece. I rub my ear before putting it back in.

"No I'm coming."

My heart leaps at what we all hear next, "Can you look for Taila? I don't see her." Peter tells someone, most likely Ned. I can hear Ned talking but not what he is actually saying

"Ok got to go."

Within two minutes Peter is crouching beside me in the tower. His new black suit just looks absolutely ridiculous.

"Alright, I'm in position with Iron Woman, as soon as I see something Beck I will let you know.l

"That's a look." I say laughing

"Oh whatever." He says with a hint of laughter in his voice

"How's the suit Parker." Fury asks

"Oh the suits' great, it's awesome. It's a little tight around the....ol web shooter..."

Legacy: A Spiderman/Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now