Chapter 2

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"Taila!" I hear Pepper call me

"What?" I say back

"You need to leave soon!"

"I know!"

I finished packing my two weeks worth of clothes and double check I have everything before checking on my armor. I managed to shrink the charging station to fit in a backpack so it's portable. After what happened in Dad's life I never leave anywhere without it. You never know when you will need it.

Grabbing my bags I head down the stairs to place them by the front door.

"Morgana!" I call to my little sister

I hear her little feet before I see her. She comes barreling around the corner with the brightest smile on her face.

"Taila!" She nearly butchers my name but its just so adorable

She launches into my arms and I pick her up, spinning in circles. Her laugh gives me so much hope and joy. I stop spinning much to her disappointment.

"Ok Morgana, I need you to take care of your mommy. I'm leaving for a bit but I will be back."

"Where are you going?" She frowns

"Have you ever heard Daddy talk about Europe?" I ask bouncing her so make her laugh


"Well I'm going to Europe, but only for a little bit. I will be back before you know it."

"Ok" She smiles and giggles

"Say bye to your sister." Pepper says from a couple feet away

"Bye bye Taila!" Her little arms surround my neck and she squeezes as hard as she can.

"Bye bye Morgana." I hug her tightly before letting her legs dangle and putting her slowly on the ground

It doesn't phase her as she spots her toy area and instantly runs to it.

"Stay safe. Let me know when you land." Pepper says stepping closer

Me and Pepper never had the greatest relationship, even when she was just dad's assistant. But since Dad died and now we have Morgan we have become civil.

"I will. Take care of Morgan."

"I will."

We quickly hug before I turn and head out the door with my bags. I get into the car that I ordered to take me to the airport. I could've gotten there faster if I flew but I'm supposed to be heading towards vacation so I decided to just take a car instead.

When I arrive I grab my bags and head to the terminal I'm supposed to meet the class at. I arrived right on time, there were a few students running late so I just put on my AI glasses that my dad specially left for me and went through a bunch of company stuff.

About 10 minutes later everyone had shown up and we went through security. I usually don't get checked when I fly as Iron Woman because I fly private to long distances. I was a little nervous putting my backpack with my armor on the belt but the case I made hid it perfectly.

Peter's suitcase got pulled aside and he looked so nervous. I silently laughed before grabbing my things and putting my shoes on. Soon we were on the plane trying to find our seats.

I found my window seat in the very back of the plane. Just as I was about to sit down I noticed Ned and Peter talking and looking towards Mary Jane and Brad. Peter looked annoyed and disgusted looking at the two.

No he was jealous, it was all over his face. I fell into my seat with a wave of sadness. I knew that Peter Parker didn't notice Taila Davis but he knew Iron Woman. I guess my feelings aren't the same.

Legacy: A Spiderman/Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now