Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The whole time on the plane we were sitting next to each other laughing. Since most of our stuff ended up getting blown up there were only us two to entertain ourselves. Eventually we passed out, our heads leaned up against each other.

We got off the plane, our hands bouncing against each other. Peter finally grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together. I nearly exploded with happiness right then and there. There is a group of parents meeting the class a little farther down.

Peter stops me, "are you sure no one has figured it out?" He asks

"Ya, no one pays attention to us."

"Oh..." he says sadly

"Except for each other!" I add

"Aww. Thanks."

"Ok well, don't be late." I kiss him on the cheek and run off towards the exit

I see Peter's Aunt May fighting with a ticket cop and I go the other direction. I find an alleyway and put my suit on. I quickly fly through the sky and make it home in about 10 minutes. I knock on the door after my suit disappears.

The door opens and I see little Morgan looking through the tiny crack. Her face lights up as she swings open the door.

"Taila!" She again butchers my name, I smile and scoop her up, pulling her into the tightest hug ever.

"Morgan what did I say about-" Pepper comes from around the corner and freezes

"Hi Pep! I'm home!" I say smiling, I move Morgan onto my hip

Pepper comes running to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug Pepper too and Morgan joins in after a couple seconds.

"Are you ok?" She asks as I set Morgan down on the ground

"I'm a little banged up and bruised. Other than that I'm fine." I smile

"Oh thank god. I'm making dinner, go get cleaned up and we can eat together."

"I think I'm just going to go straight to bed actually. It's technically night over in London and I'm feeling it."

"Ok, good night Taila." Pepper kisses my forehead

"Good night Pepper. Good night Morgan." I kiss Morgan's forehead and she giggles and laughs

As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out, essentially dead to the world......until I'm literally dead, in a dream world.

I'm back in the walkway in London. Beck nearly shoots Peter and Peter dodges it again. Only as the illusion falls away, the illusion of me being shot doesn't. I start to feel the blood pouring out of me as I fall to the ground.

Peter quickly grabs my head so I don't hit it and he lays me down gently. It's getting harder to breathe, I look at Peter and see sadness in his eyes.

"Peter. Please." I cry, my mouth getting a metallic taste in my mouth

"It's ok Taila. I promise, it will be ok." He holds my head up and slips a leg underneath it so my head is tilted up a bit

He starts combing his fingers through my hair. I start to realize what's going on. I'm dying and Peter is comforting me.

"Peter?" I ask

"Yes Taila?" I can see tears in his eyes

"Am I dying?" Peter scans my eyes as he tries to answer me

"Ya..." his voice cracks, "Yes, Taila, you are dying."

"Oh..." thats all I can say

"Hey Peter..."

"Ya Taila?" He asks

"I will say hi to Tony for you." I start to choke up blood, I roll to my side and get rid of it

"Ok Taila, do that for me."

"I will."

"Hey Taila?"

"Ya Peter?" I say

"I lo-" Peter gets cut off by darkness, I can't see anything, I can't hear, I can't even move

That's when I realize....I'm dead.

I fly up into a sitting position in my bed, my heart is pounding so hard I'm sure you could hear it in London. I quickly look down to my stomach and see no bullet holes, just the miscellaneous scratches I have. I look to my right and see that it's 9am. I decide to get up and shower before leaving to go meet Peter.

I go downstairs to see Pepper giving Morgan breakfast. I smile at my little sister and her tired morning face.

"Good morning M." I kiss her on the head and steal a strawberry piece off her toddler plate

"Morning Pepper." I grab a cheese stick out of the fridge and quickly eat it

"How did you sleep?" Pepper asks

" know, same as always." I laugh

"Where are you headed?" She ask looking at my outfit

"Just with Peter." I smile and run out the door

"Be careful!" Pepper yells after me

My suit forms around me as I jump into the sky, it looks brand new after a full night's charge. I head towards the city and find the street Peter said he would meet me on.

I land in the middle of the street and I look at my phone. Peter is texting me, I'm assuming while swinging around the city.

"Don't text and swing" I text

About 2 minutes later Peter is in front of me swinging around a street pole.


"Hey, sorry I'm late."

"It's fine."


"Ya lets go."

We both launch into the sky like a rocket, we move around the city together. Eventually after flying around together we stop near the middle of the city. Peter lands on a light pole as I hover beside him.

"This is breaking news." We both look towards the giant electric billboard

Legacy: A Spiderman/Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now