Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Taila! Taila!" I'm being shaken awake, I open my eyes to see Happy

"Huh?" I ask sitting up and looking out the window

"Peter just called."

"What time is it?" I start to get worried

"It's the next day, somehow he ended up in the Netherlands. He didn't sound too good."

"Oh god, Happy we have to go get him!"

"We are about 5 minutes out, that's why I woke you."

He returns to the pilot's seat as I finish waking up and stretch my legs a bit. Five minutes later we landed in a tulip field, it was so colorful. It might've been beautiful if there wasn't a beaten up, bloodly, brused, limping Peter walking towards us.

"Peter! Oh my god! What happened?!" I start to run to him

"Taila is that you?" Peter asks

"Of course Peter! What happened?"

"Stop! Stop!" He held his hand out in a stop motion. I instantly plant my feet, wondering why.

"How do I know it's really you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me something only you would know."

"Oh well you remember Germany? Well I know you bought a pay-per-view, the receipt didn't say the title but I could tell from the price it was an adult film..." Happy explains

"Ok fine! It's you! Stop!" Peter's face goes red, I would've laughed but instead I ran towards Peter.

As soon as I could reach him my arms were wrapped around him. He was holding on as tight as he could.

"I'm so glad to see you." He whispers

"Peter, you're scaring me. You have to tell me what happened."

He loosened his grip and we began walking towards the plane. One of his arms is still around my shoulder so I could help him walk. We get into the plane and Happy hands me a first aid kit. I sit Peter down and open the kit.

I can see blood coming from one of his shoulders. I slowly pull the edge of the shirt away from it and I see a pretty deep cut. I frown not knowing how he got this hurt.

"You need stitches." I say grabbing some gloves

"Are you ok doing that?" Happy asks me

"Ya, i've been sewing dad up for years. He hated hospitals."

Peter just sat there in silence, staring ahead but not actually seeing what's in front of him. I grabbed some gauze and little containers of saline and washed out the cut. He twitched a little but it didn't bring him out of his trance. I sighed before threading the needle.

"Peter. Peter!" I shake him slightly, he finally snaps out of it

"This is going to hurt a little." I say, he just nods, completely silent.

I start threading the needle through his shoulder. I try to be as careful as I can but we have no numbing cream. I get about halfway through it when Peter flinches slightly.

"I know, I'm sorry." I say, my hand landing on his other shoulder for a second

I thread it again and he twitches again, "I thought you had super strength?" Happy asks

"It still hurts.." Peter whispers

I thread the needle through his shoulder again


Legacy: A Spiderman/Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now