how you met

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■ you met him at a festival
■ you were talking with hantengu during it until a demon slayer attacked him
■ the demon slayer tried hurting you because you helped hantengu but sekido immediately electrocuted him
■ hantengu ordered that sekido should protect you at all costs
he follows you 24/7 against his will

■ You met him in a prostitution environment
■ you came to see your friend and you were disgusted by how he behaved around women, especially since you knew he was a demon
he tried sleeping with you because he thought you were one of the prostitutes due to your beauty
■ even when you told him you weren't, he still insisted on touching you
■ everytime you came to see your friend he was always there
■ it seemed like a habit for him to follow you

■you met him in the forest
■he had an injured wing and it was extremely slow to Regenerate because a demon slayer slashed him with poison
■ out of pity, you decided to help him and removed all the toxins
■when you tried leaving, he wrapped his newly healed wings around you and refused to let you leave
■although you whined and complained, he called you cute
■your stuck with him

you met him while he was killing someone
■out of pity, you tried saving the person and you succeeded but you were heavily injured
■Aizetsu wanted to kill you but he felt bad since you sacrificed your life for someone else so he didn't
■instead, he healed you and sent you off
■but, you got attached so you clinged unto him
■he let you stay with him

I think this story will have fast updates

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