when they confess to you

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"Sekido~!" A bubbly voice cheered, and rough one soon groaned in displeasure from her presence "I made human food for you! I added my blood so it would be edible for you"

In a swift motion, sekido's eyes immediately pin pointed where the injury was and it was fixated on her hand. Without warning, he harshly grabbed her hand "why would you cut yourself? Are you stupid?"

"Oh it's just a small injury!" Y/n brushed off as she stared at sekido a little surprised but she still still held her go lucky smile on her face "no need to worry so much!"

"Are you fucking stupid? Why shouldn't I worry? Hantengu will kill me if he sees this"

'Oh' y/n thought as the smile on her face faltered and she stared at sekido with a hurt expression. She for once thought that sekduo might be worried for her or perhaps she was wrong

"Your such a fucking stupid human" sekido lectured before he groaned when he saw her frowning, and without warning once more, he grabbed her by her chin harshly "What's with that look?"

"Nothing...." she muttered before sekido sighed then pushed her down and she fell on the floor

He threw a first aid kit towards her before he casually strolled out of the room before he took a side glance at you "Don't cut yourself again, you had me worried"

"Oh~? Is it because you love me~?" She teased with a smirk, the depressed aura she held disappeared immediately

"And if I do?"


"I'm not interested in your gifts karaku" y/n straightforwardly answered as she threw the bouquet of f/f [fav flower] unto the ground "how do you know I like these flowers? You stalker"

"Aw~? Have I been caught?" He cooed as he picked them up with a shit eating grin on his face "Don't you like them anymore? You always throw my gifts away sweetheart~!"

"Because you get the same time of gifts for girls!" She snaps harshly, turning to face him with her hands on her hips "I'm busy right now, go do something else"

"Don't go yet, I'm not done" Karaku pouted as he started clinging unto y/n's leg with a pout "I want to ask you something~! Hear your favourite demon out"

"Your not my favourite demon! Your just one of the only demons I know! And no I'm not hearing you out" y/n fumed as she tried shaking him off of her

"Stop being so difficult!" Karaku argued

Out of frustration, Karaku used his nails and injured y/n's leg. Catching her off guard, she fell to the floor and karaku used the opportunity to pin her down to the ground

"You cannot tell me that you don't like me too" Karaku huffed out and y/n kept quiet, in the awkward silence, Karaku smirked before he leaned closer to y/n's face

Y/n's face immediately flushed bright pink and she turned her head away from him immediately, but he grinned even wider at her behaviour towards him

"Aww~ look at you~" he cooed "your mine now"


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