when they get jealous [req]

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"Don't worry, My dog doesn't bite" y/n said with a calm smile as she pulled on sekido's leash to insure that he doesn't go attack the male demon she is talking to

Today, y/n decided to go out. But sekido followed her and they encountered a male demon that y/n was trying to hold a decent conversation with, but sekido didn't like that

"Yes it does!" The demon argued and sekido's eyes glared at him before he started clinging unto y/n "how can you leave with him?! And that's a demon! Not a dog!"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm anything she wants me to be" sekido snarled as he hugged y/n's thighs with a pout, but the male demon could only vision him glaring at him

"He's a very gentle doggy" y/n reassured, but she knew that was a
Lie because sekido was only moments away before beating up the poor male demon

"That dog, is NOT gentle-"

"I'm not a dog your bastard!" Sekido yelled as he glared at the poor man and he only shivered at his gaze "only y/n can call me her dog you piece of shit"

"Bad doggy, no cussing" y/n lightly scolded and sekido immediately returned to her side with a small pout just to guilt trip her a little bit

"So would you like to be friends?" Y/n asked with a calm smile


"What do you mean your going out with friends?" Urogi cooked his head to the side, cornering the terrified female towards a near by wall towards his view

Y/n was eager to see her friends and urogi had no problem, but then it clicked. She swings both ways, and they are boys in her friend group

Urogi did everything in his power to make sure she didn't go out. He did his best to entertain her so that she wouldn't leave but y/n still came up to him and informed him about her departure

She was literally going all the way to shibuya because her friends are over there and saw is her grandmother. And trust me, urogi didn't want to restrict her movements and seem like the bad guy—

But he isn't letting her leave

"We were planning on having a few drinks and....your not letting me leave..." y/n concluded, she let out a sigh as she looked at her boyfriend—who was giving her a large grin

"Good girl" urogi praised, lifting her up and littering kisses all over her face "Your going to stay with me right? I'll do absolutely anything for you sweetheart"

Y/n sighed but she accepted urogi's kisses nevertheless  and let out light chuckles at his childish behaviour

"Your such a baby"


"Can't you see this is my wife?" Karaku fired at the elderly drunk man as his arms were tightly wrapped around y/n's waist as he inhaled her sweet scent

As mentioned before, y/n normally hanged around the prostitution environment due to the fact most of her friends mostly worked there so she came there to see them

But it disgusted karaku on how people commonly mistook her as a prostitute due to the fact she had a unique sense of dressing and her drop dead beauty

So now, a man that had a lot to drink for his old age tried hitting on her. Y/n's personality heavily matched daki's own personality and easily degraded him

Unfortunately, she's all bark and no bite and couldn't defend herself when the man tried touching her inappropriately. Even if the man was old, y/n had no strength

Karaku luckily arrived and beat the shit out of the man. But, he caused a major scene, but people easily sided y/n because she gave off the innocent look of an angel

"Karaku, calm down"

"Nuh uh, he touched what's mine"


Y/n felt someone tug on her kimono and she was a rather cute blue eyed puppy tugging on a piece of her carefully decorated kimono—oh, it was just aizetsu...

Aizetsu isn't the most aggressive person and if he wants attention he'd give a pouty look or tug on y/n's kimono like a cute puppy that had its owner abandon them

But y/n was only playing with a cute child, but aizetsu didn't even pay attention to the fact. It didn't matter who it was, if he wants his y/n's attention then he wants it

"Sorry, I have to go kiddo" y/n told the child and she dropped Jim unto the ground, the child pouted before his eyes landed on the male demon

"Is this your husband?" The child asked in amazement as he looked up at y/n in awe

"Not really...he's kind of my boyfriend—"

"Husband...I'm her husband"


"What do you mean I can't go out?!"

"What else do you think?"

Y/n and zohakuten were having another argument once more. But there's the usual, they argue you like this all the time but you always find them clinging unto each other in the middle of the night

But today, it was way different. Zohakuten felt something inside him besides frustration,hatred,stress or anger. He felt a pang in his heart once y/n said she wanted to hang out

And it wasn't a person, it was a cat she literally saw playing outside. And that was what confused y/n, she didn't even know the male was jealous, she just felt he was petty

"I'm going outside and your not stopping me zoha" y/n pouted as she folded her arms like a petty child. What a petty and stubborn couple

"Wanna bet?"


This is just the beginning. ALL the stories except heartless and I'm yours are getting updates

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