when they fell in love with you (+zohakuten chaps)

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■he at first so you as a weak fragile person who needed protecting
that's it, he still sees you that way
he'd always chase after you when you ran away saying it's because hantengu forced him to watch you but he just cared about you
he realised it when he caught himself smiling at you

■to be honest, he feels your just a beautiful lady playing hard to get
■and he certainly love a challenge
■soon enough, he didn't realise when he stopped sleeping with other women and began bothering you instead. He even stopped asking to sleep with you
■he realised it when he stopped sleeping with women

took him a very long time to realise it
■he just saw you as his nurse, someone he could come to incase he Regeneration speed is slow or he just needed someone to cuddle with
he'd always fly with you around on random nights
■he realised it when he began crying when he didn't see you at your house

the thing is, he knew about his feelings from when he saw you. Love at first sight
■but he was scared of rejection so he continued hanging out with you so he would know if you liked him back or not
■he sees you as an angel, a goddess,his one and only. He wouldn't dare to let anything bad happen to you
■love at first sight as I said

Zohakuten chaps (T-T I forgot I'm sorry forgive me)

How you met
■he was just mean for no apparent reason
■you went to go and get some mochi from out of town and then you met hantengu
■your main goal was to offer him some mochi but zohakuten attacked you without hesitation
■hantengu had to reassure him you meant no harm (yes he called you a slut)
■displeased you repeatedly cussed at the demon in different languages, and since he couldn't hurt you...he just followed you around till you gave him a proper apology

How he found out he liked you
■he first viewed you as a slut (I'm sorry babies T-T)
he's opinion changed when he saw how you behaved with his brothers and hantengu
he'd try hanging out with you but you'd continue cussing at him due to frustration
■he realised he liked you due to jealousy. Since he saw how happy you were with his brothers, it just ticked him off

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