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Again I am alone, in a family gathering

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Again I am alone, in a family gathering. I am used to attending events like this one on my own and I knew that I could handle any questions that came her way.

And it sure did. As soon as I entered the party, I was greeted by a group of my fake parents' friends.

"Y/n, where's your husband? We were looking forward to seeing him," one of them asked.

I smiled and replied, "Unfortunately, he couldn't make it tonight. But I'm happy to be here and see all of you."

The group seemed to accept my explanation and began asking me about my own work and interests. I felt happy to be talking about something other than my husband.

"Y/n, my daughter." Mr. Moon said with a smile. I smiled. He is not my father.

Their real daughter took her own life when she was abroad. Moon cooperation is really popular and they are one of the richest companies in Korea, and to perfect their family name, they wanted someone else to be their daughter. Someone who can pretend to be her.

No one really has seen their daughter, they have always been private, people just know they have a daughter.

I needed a fake identity and they needed a fake daughter. Coincidentally my surname is Moon too. So I used my real name.

I greeted him like a daughter would, I think he liked me more than he liked his daughter. Because he has mentioned, he didn't like his daughter because she was too emotional and sensitive. Meanwhile, I am handling my fake marriage with Jungkook, the business and my spy mission all at once.

I wonder how I would feel if I had taken my life and my parents would replace me just to protect the family name?

When the group of their friends approached me again, they seemed to have forgotten about my husband. They were asking me about her own plans for the future and complimenting me on my accomplishments.


Y/n sat at the kitchen table, spooning cereal into her mouth

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Y/n sat at the kitchen table, spooning cereal into her mouth. The moon light streamed through the window, casting a little glow on the room.

The kitchen was quiet, except for the sound of Y/n's spoon clinking against the bowl.

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