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"Princess, you will never betray me right?"

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"Princess, you will never betray me right?"

"Of course I will not." Y/n said. I looked at her eyes. I really hope Y/n, I really hope you don't betray me.

Some part of you loves me. I can feel it. I just know.

I smiled, I kissed her hand. "I trust you."

She smiled back, "You look really stressed. And your eyes are red. Are you sure you are okay?"

Do I? I guess I am not good at pretending like her. Was everything a lie? Our marriage?

Do you even love me?

I nodded my head. "Really stressed, you know what I do to traitors and people who betray me?"

She chuckled, she has such a beautiful smile. "I don't know, Cut them and sell their organs?"

"Worse, love." Betrayal can't be forgiven so easily, right now I can't explain how much I hate her, I want to yell at her. Ask her why she played with me and my emotions like that.

But all I can actually do is hold her.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her neck. But can I hurt her? No, I can't hurt her. I am the weakest in front of her.

"I love you." I said, my arm wrapped around her waist. I love her so fcking much. And I am sure I will lose my sanity if I ever lost her.

"I love you too." She replied. Please do Y/n. Love me. That will make this situation better.

I kissed her lips, everything can't be a lie. You must feel something when I touch you, this can't be fake.

You and I can't be fake.

I kissed her deeply, my hand went under her night dress. "You were mad at me but still wearing my favorite night dress."

I always feel turned on when she is wearing this. She kissed my cheek, and whispered. "You find me hot in everything."

She started unbuttoning my shirt. "No doubt, love. You look hot all the time." I said.

I kiss her neck, finding her sweet spots and sucking it. My hand sneaks between her underwear, her breath git heavier. My touch has this effect on you. You forget breathing Y/n.

I took off her panties. Her hands went down and unbuckled my belt. She whispered, "You are tired Honey, so I will take care of you tonight."

She kissed my lips. The kiss got more rough, She put my length in her. We both moan together the feeling of one another.

She is mine. She is my everything, my obsession, my craziness, my love.

"Fck, Jungkook

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"Fck, Jungkook." Y/n mutter when she finally relaxes around him, her tight walls flutter at the feeling of his c0ck moving halfway out of her. When he made her sit on it, he pushed back on her.

"That's right love," Jungkook bit his lips while staring at her, "Fck, so good for me."

He stared at her face while she rode him. Their s*x was active and it is really good. He can't get enough of her. And he will not.

He leans away to look at her. He could feel himself twitch at the sight of his cock disappearing into her tight, wet hole.

He let out a curse that muffled itself into a moan.

He wrapped her legs around his waist and brought her to the bed, he pinned her on the bed, moving faster and harder, The grip on your waist gets impossibly tight.

She could feel his possessive grip.

"F-Fck me. Ahh! You feel incredible honey," He groaned. He could feel the way hsdr walls hugged around him and squeezed. Her wet p*ssy throbbed as he filled her up so perfectly.

Jungkook paused and stared at Y/n, who was breathing heavily too. He held her chin. "I love you."

He leaned in and kissed her lips. He is addicted to her. And he wants her to be addicted to him too.

I was sitting quietly, and thinking about Jungkook

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I was sitting quietly, and thinking about Jungkook. Is it just me or is his behavior different now? He left early this morning.

Namjoon asked me to come have lunch with him. And I agreed. We have known each other for a long time, since our college days. In the past I even used to like him, and we tried dating but then my parents d'ed and after that, I felt like all the emotions had drained out of me except anger.

But even after the breakup, Namjoon was nice to me. I changed completely And Even though I have a cold and reserved personality, Namjoon is still able to engage me in conversation and offer me support.

We have a close and comfortable friendship, where they can talk about work and personal matters.

I heard Namjoon sighed, "Sometimes, I feel jealous, I kinda wish you were like how you pretend to be In Front of Jungkook." Namjoon said.

I know why he is saying, In Front of Jungkook I play a different persona and I am talkative. Meanwhile in reality I don't like talking much.

"I can't be fake In Front of you. If you say I can be fake In Front of you?" I replied and it made him smile. He is so strict when we are working but when not he becomes really calm and cool.

It's suffocating to lie to him, it's becoming harder each day.

"Is it difficult?" Namjoon asked.

"It was fine. Nothing is too difficult," I replied.

"Okay, let's order some food. What do you feel like having?" he asked.

"Anything is fine," I said.

"Come on, you have to have a preference. How about some sushi?" he suggested.

"I'm not really in the mood for sushi," I replied.

"Alright, how about a burger? You can never go wrong with a burger," he said.

"Sure, that sounds good," I said, finally giving in. I don't want to eat a burger either.

"Great. I'll order for us." He ordered it. "You must be feeling a little relief right? Knowing how close you are to ending everything?"

Am I relieved? No, I am scared. Terrified.

How would I look at Jungkook when he gets to know the truth?

"Are you perhaps in love with him? You seem like you are." Namjoon said.

"That is fake. I am just good at manipulating him into thinking I love him." I replied. He nodded his head.

"Good, I know you are not the type who would fall for criminals." Namjoon said.

I know I am not the type to fall for criminals. But I fell for Jungkook.

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