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Y/n has left a clue for me

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Y/n has left a clue for me. There is someone from this trip, who is involved with her. Who could it be? I am actually curious to know.

Is it RM? But he can't be from the FBI. Because he and his family are involved in Mafia business.

My arms held her close, fingers tracing patterns on her back as I gathered the courage to share my fears.

"Y/n, today... I was terrified," I admitted, my voice a hushed murmur against her ear. "Seeing you in danger like that, I felt my world collapsing."

She shifted to meet my gaze, understanding and love reflected in her eyes. "I had to learn, Jungkook. Being with you means facing these dangers, and I refuse to be helpless."

"I'm grateful, Y/n. Knowing you can protect yourself, it eases my fears. But... It also makes me scared. Scared of losing you because of what I do."

I took a deep breath, grappling with the weight of my confession. "I've always been afraid to have a family, to bring a child into this life. The constant danger, the fear of them being targeted because of me... it terrifies me."

Y/n tightened her grip on me, her voice tender. "Jungkook, we'll face these fears together. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere."

Please keep this promise, don't go anywhere. "I want a baby. Maybe I am ready for a family."

She looked at me. "Jungkook, I want that too, but the fear... it's still there. I don't want it right now."

She doesn't? I was waiting for her to tell me about her pregnancy. But she is hiding it. Why? Is she planning an abortion?

"Whenever you are ready, I am not forcing you. But I want us to plan it together, talk to each other before taking any step." I said.

Even if she wants abortion, I want her to tell me. Not decided anything without planning.

I will not forgive her if she took that step without telling me.


I doubled over the washroom sink, waves of nausea washing over me

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I doubled over the washroom sink, waves of nausea washing over me. The room seemed to spin as I struggled to regain composure.

The morning sickness had hit me unexpectedly, a cruel reminder of the life growing within.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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