Chapter 3 - Neptune

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God, or whoever is listening, let me get out of here alive! With my little prayer done, I kept walking through the dark corridors of this strange place.

I was in a corridor with gray walls and a white floor, the place was illuminated by a dim red light accompanied by an infernal noise, sounds of explosions and screams followed by tremors in the distance.

With cautious steps, I continued advancing, passing by a large glass window that gave a view to a room full of metal tables with small glass tubes on top, the tubes were filled with liquids of different colors.

Another room was full of tables with rectangles of dark glass on top; there was a metal box on the side of the glass and some kind of rectangle full of buttons on the front.

A third room had a large table with empty chairs around it, some papers were on the table, and something in the ceiling cast light onto a white screen on the wall.

"Jekyll, how the hell did they build this place under the sea?"

"Hm... The discovery of MASO enabled huge leaps in science and technological advancement. New and efficient forms of energy were discovered and with that, technologies that we would only have centuries in the future were developed in decades."

"And what is MASO?"

"A parti... A very small thing that came from another world."

"Another world? Seriously? Do you think I'm a child?"

"I'm telling the truth, it was hard to believe when it was revealed."

"But focusing on what is really important. Where should we go?"

"We have to go to the containment area where the prisoner is."

"And how do we get to that place?"



"Stop! You are damaging my beautiful Atlantis!"

The prisoner and Neptune screamed at each other again, followed by another explosion that rocked the facility.

"Just follow the screams." Jekyll spoke.

"GGGRRR! You say it like it's not obvious." I muttered through a sigh.

I dashed towards the screams, running down a long corridor lit in red light, and the irritating noise continued. I passed through more rooms full of things I didn't understand.

"Well, the invaders decided to sully my wonderful kingdom. What do you seek? To kill me and rule my city? Steal my prized treasures? Or are you looking for something else?"

Neptune's voice echoed through the halls. How can he see us?

"Ignore him Hyde, there's no reason for us to tell Neptune why we're here." Jekyll spoke.

"Will you not answer me? It doesn't matter! As intruders, you must be eliminated!"

As soon as Neptune finished speaking, a part of the ceiling just ahead opened and a metal box with two perforated cylinders came out. The box turned towards me, I saw a reddish light coming out of its center.

The light was bothering my eyes. Therefore, I put my hand in front of it, but I saw a red dot on my hand. Weird, I waved my hand, trying to remove the dot, but it moved up and down my arm, so I tried to remove it with my other hand, only for the dot to rest on top of it.

"Hahaha! Yes, continue with this pathetic display!" Neptune's voice came from the metallic box.

Then the cylinders on the side of the box began to rotate.

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