Chapter 5 - Knowing the Neighborhood

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"Damn it!" I grumbled as the sunlight bothered my eyes, as if that wasn't enough; I heard the neighbor's roosters crowing in the distance. I'm regretting moving to this village, I ended up trading one problem for another.

Getting up from my bed, I let out a yawn as I stretched. Still in my pajamas, I left my room and headed towards the kitchen.

"So, what are we eating today?" Jekyll asked, sliding out of my body and standing next to me.

"Scrambled eggs and bacon. I don't feel like cooking something complicated." I muttered, taking a frying pan from the kitchen shelf and placing it on top of the wood stove.

"You talk like you cook every day." Jekyll grumbled, placing some wood into the stove and lighting it with a match.

Shrugging, I added a little of olive oil on the pan and then the eggs and bacon. A few seconds later, I stirred the food with a wooden spoon.

While I cooked breakfast, Jekyll set the table, placing plates and silverware on the wooden table in the center of the kitchen.

What came next were a few minutes of peace, the only noises being the food frying and Jekyll walking around the kitchen, unfortunately this peace ended with the arrival of a rude book.

"Good morning, idiots!" Zon screamed as loud as possible as he floated into the kitchen.

Jekyll and I gasped audibly as we heard the first insult of the day.

"What?" Zon asked, ignorant to what he just did.

"Nothing, nothing..." I mumbled, focusing on the food, trying to ignore the book behind me.

"Wow! What a way to start the morning! Don't I get a good morning?" Zon said, floating above one of the chairs at the kitchen table and stopping in front of the plate.

"The morning was good until you showed up!" Jekyll exclaimed, slamming a plate onto the table.

"Hey, what did the inkblot say?" Zon asked me.

"Nothing important." I said, turning off the stove, taking the frying pan to the table and placing eggs and bacon on each plate.

"BACON! FINALLY BACON! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE I ATE SOMETHING SO DELICIOUS?" Zon shouted, throwing himself onto the plate in front of him with his pages open.




I recoiled in disgust as I saw the book open and close on the plate, similar to a mouth chewing food, the crunching noises didn't help. How does a book eat? Moreover, where will the food end up?

Looking at Jekyll for an answer, I stared in disbelief at the sight in front of me. Jekyll stabbed a piece of bacon with his fork, but instead of chewing it with his non-existent mouth, he brought the piece of bacon to his forehead, where the bacon stuck for a few seconds before slowly sinking into his body.

Speechless, I sat down and looked at the food on my plate. What the hell am I doing with my life?


Changing into casual clothes, I closed the door behind me, slung the bag with Zon on my shoulder and headed towards the village near my house.

The main part of the village consisted mostly of stone houses and buildings, with small shops here and there. The village was surrounded by a large stonewall with stone gates leading to different plains and roads; each gate was guarded by a pair of guards.

 The village was surrounded by a large stonewall with stone gates leading to different plains and roads; each gate was guarded by a pair of guards

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