Chapter 4 - New Neighbors

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It was another peaceful day at Seafront, ships set sail with their crews, ready to trade in lands beyond the ocean, fishing boats sailed close to the coast, catching dozens of fish to be sold in the markets.

Men, women and children went about their routines on this sunny day, whether it was taking care of their families or working on their businesses. There were those, of course, who preferred to have fun and a good drink.

If you were looking for something quality, you should go to a pub known as "Sea ​​Breeze", the pub was located in a two-story building, made of wood and stone.

Despite being your typical pub "Sea ​​Breeze" it was a respectable establishment, as was its owner, Heinrich. Heinrich was a young man, approaching his thirties, but in terms of appearance, there was nothing that made him stand out.

Tanned skin, short black hair, brown eyes, he wore simple fabric clothes with a white apron over it. Heinrich was a simple person who didn't stand out in the crowd, but he was still well-regarded by the people of Seafront.

At the moment, Heinrich was cleaning a mug while watching people drinking and talking around the pub, either near the counter or at tables spread throughout the establishment.

Heinrich smiled at this sight, for it didn't matter how many centuries had passed; this old android would always be happy to see how similar to humans the Replicants were; After all, his job was to keep an eye on them, he couldn't help but get a little attached as time went by.

Unfortunately for Heinrich, his moment of happiness was interrupted by an explosion.


A deafening noise followed by a shock wave shook the pub, shattering any glass material within reach. Windows, bottles, mugs, glasses, everything was shattered.

As if that wasn't enough, many customers let out screams of pain as they fell from their chairs, grabbing their ears due to the noise. Shortly afterwards, the pub was invaded by a large wave, which entered through the windows and doors.

Fortunately it wasn't strong enough to collapse the building, so the water soon receded back into the sea, leaving everyone in the pub scared and soaked.

Heinrich froze due to shock and surprise, but soon his programming kicked in and he rushed to help the injured Replicants, with quick steps that scattered the water inside the pub, Heinrich helped the replicants to their feet while secretly scanning them, looking for injuries.

To his relief, there was no serious or permanent damage to the Replicants, just hearts racing due to the fright and ears that would be sore for some time.

"What the hell was that?!?" One of the customers shouted.

"What did you say?!?" Another spoke, poking the inside of his ear, trying to get rid of the annoying ringing.

"Attention everyone; I know you're scared, but you can't stay here! This is not a safe place, you better go back to your homes and stay away from the coast for a while!" Heinrich shouted to everyone, trying to control the situation.

As if a switch had been pressed, a realization came over everyone, the customers realized what Heinrich meant, with hurried steps, thanks and goodbyes, everyone left the pub hastily, either to avoid being close to another explosion or to check if their loved ones were okay.

With the pub empty, Heinrich went outside and looked around, he couldn't help but worry at what he saw. Scared people, running and screaming, some were on the ground holding their ears, violent waves hit the harbor repeatedly and far away in the ocean, Heinrich saw smoke coming from a point in the water.

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