Chapter 8 - Mars PART 3

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Jekyll's hands left my back and grabbed some old pipes above, pulling us up with Zon following soon after, and taking us out of the way of the train.

However, I had little time to react when I came face to face with Mars. I raised Beastbain in front of my body, using it as a shield against the large metal fist that approached.

Unfortunately, the block was sloppy and I was not prepared for the robot's absurd strength, especially at that speed. The pipes Jekyll held snapped and I hit the roof of the train, passing through Mars and rolling down the cars as I screamed in pain with each impact.

I glimpsed Jekyll manifesting his axe in his left hand and plunging it into the train, bringing us to an abrupt halt. I did the same with my sword, using it as a support to stand up.

The pain I felt disappeared and my legs stopped shaking, probably Jekyll healing the damage. I wiped the blood dripping from my mouth and faced Mars.

The big robot turned towards me, its spidery legs clicking heavily against the metal of the train as its red eye stared at me in silence.

"As Supreme Commander of this base, I sentence you traitors to execution by firing squad." Mars spoke monotonously, pointing its gun arm in our direction.

I grumbled angrily and stood up quickly, assuming a fighting stance with Zon floating beside me.

"Last words..." Mars spoke.

"SHUT UP!" Zon shouted, interrupting Mars and then firing a powerful magic beam.


The bright red attack closed the distance quickly, hitting Mars with a blast and creating a smoke cloud. For a moment, I thought the attack had destroyed Mars, but my relief died as soon as I saw a bright spot amidst the smoke.

Mars walked out of the cloud, its form pushing through the smoke and revealing a large, yellow, cracked bubble surrounding it.

"Great, he got an energy shield!" Jekyll shouted in my mind.

"What the hell is an energy shield?!?"

"I'll explain later, but to summarize, Mars has a barrier that protects it from attacks, but can be destroyed with enough damage!"

Hm... I analyzed the cracks left by Zon's attack; I think the shield will fall with a few more shots. However, I abandoned my thoughts as soon as I saw Mars' gun arm rotating. The robot did not comment this time and fired a flurry of projectiles in my direction.

"Zon, you can shoot!" I shouted at the floating book.

"You don't have to say it twice!" Zon replied, accumulating magic in his pages and sending another magical attack towards the robot.

The magic beam melted the projectiles in its path, reducing them to nothing in mid-flight, and hit Mars again, its large shape combined with the narrow space prevented it from dodging, creating another explosion followed by a smoke cloud.

However, Mars did not stop its attack and advanced towards us, the cracks in its shield expanding.

"Zon, don't stop shooting!" I exclaimed, pointing at Mars.

"Stop giving me orders! I'm running out of energy, I still haven't recovered from the previous fight against the rust buckets!" Zon shouted, preparing for another shot.

"Don't worry, just destroy the shield and leave the rest to Jekyll and me!" I replied, raising my sword and preparing for combat.

"I will do it if you insist, but don't come begging for my help afterward, you little brat!" Zon replied before firing repeatedly.

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