Chapter 7 - Mars PART 2

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I blocked one of the white robots' claws with Beastbain, preventing it from slashing my face. I applied more force behind my block, watching as the skin on my arms darkened and bright yellow lines formed.

I pushed the robot back with a scream of effort, breaking its balance and cutting into its chest shortly afterward, creating a shower of sparks and metal splinters. The robot's eyes went dark and it fell forward with a thud.

"On your left!" Jekyll shouted.

Looking to the side, I saw two white robots approaching, running on all fours like rabid dogs. I held my sword in front of my face and waited for them to approach.

The first one jumped after gaining enough momentum and tried to cut me with its claws, but I ducked at the last second and swung my sword, cutting it from the neck to the stomach, almost splitting it in two.

I heard the sound of the robot hitting the ground behind me, but I did not turn around as the other one still approached.

The second robot tried to cut me in the stomach, but I stepped back, dodging the blow and slashing its chest. However, the robot remained standing and fighting, delivering a vertical blow shortly afterward.

I blocked the blow with my sword and stepped forward, dragging the blade down the robot's arm and parrying the limb to the side. I took advantage of this opening to decapitate the robot.

Unfortunately, the metal turned out to be stronger than I thought. This allowed the robot to use its remaining hand to cut me in the shoulder.

I gritted my teeth, holding back a scream of pain, and tried to finish off my enemy. My skin darkened again and the robot's head flew away.

I watched as the robot's head rolled across the floor before focusing on my surroundings. There were no white robots around, but I could hear the sounds of fighting just ahead.

"Leave it with me." Jekyll spoke and I watched as a dark mass came out of the cuts on my shoulder and healed the wounds, before disappearing into my body.

"Thanks!" I thanked the Gestalt as I looked at my arms, which were slowly returning to normal.

"Curious to know how you did it?"

"Yes, you didn't help me this time, unlike when we opened the bank vault."

"It means you are getting used to the superhuman abilities that my presence grants you. Soon, you will do what you are doing without thinking."

"I just hope you don't leave all the work to me." I replied, spotting a group of white robots turning the corner and approaching.

"I wouldn't dream of it..." Jekyll replied, removing his hand from my body while holding his axe, swinging it shortly afterward, and sending a slash of darkness towards the white robots.

The slash collided with the robots, creating a dark explosion and revealing a pile of destroyed metal as the smoke cleared.

"...But you still have a lot to learn." Jekyll replied, amused.

I frowned at this display, then held Beastbain with both hands and concentrated, causing flames to envelop the sword, but they soon went out.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed frustrated.

"Patience, you will improve with time."

"I know, but I can't help but think I'm being left behind every time you throw one of those fancy attacks of yours." I replied, staring at the sword in my hands.

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