Chapter Two

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Sorry for not updating quick :) I'm having exams this week so I've been studying non-stop. Sorry again ,I'm having my my geography test in 2 days :)

"I command you to let me in"

Camila, the future queen of France commanded the girl confidently,despite the tears that ran down her cheeks,the ruined dress and wet hair.A princess is a princess. She noticed the girl's jaw dropping after she heard her name. Rain drops kept falling on the princess's head as she studied the girl in front of her. She did not expect a girl to open the door. The girl seemed about her age and her emerald eyes were breath-taking .She let her curious eyes wander down the peasants body.She was wearing a worn our dress "I said," Camila started again, clearing her throat." I command you to let me in, as your future queen." She repeated , hoping that the green-eyed would welcome her in,unlike the rest of the village.
Lauren was still in her own world, thoughts ran her head and nothing seemed to make sense. Princess Camila , the future queen of France was standing in her doorway, soaked from the rain. The green eyed girl knew she had to obey the princess, she promised her mom that she will not get into trouble, but there she was in her doorway, the princess herself , trouble.

"Of course, my princess." Lauren mumbled quickly and moved out of the way to let the young princess. She bowed down slightly as Camila walked into the small hut.

"Close the door." The princess commanded as she watched the green eyed. Lauren closed the door immediately and locked it, not expecting any more guests or her mothe, that will probably stay in court for the cold night. Camila stood inside hugging herself, relived that she managed to find a shelter from the rain.

"Uh, your grace, it's a pleasure to be at your presence, but if you don't mind me asking,what brought you here?" Lauren asked carefully , gazing down at the floor that was now wet from the water dripped from the soaked girl. The princess exhaled and straightened up her dress .

"Well, as you know , the people of the village were not exactly thrilled to see me, and while I was trying not to get hurt by flying objects that have been thrown at me buy the lovely people the village, I escaped the village center and found myself here after I ran for my life and got completely wet from the pouring rain." The future Queen said , irritation obvious in her voice.

Lauren's jaw dropped for the second time in ten minutes. For a moment she felt bad for the young princess, but then remembered every single bad thing the other people of the village and her mother said about the royal family. The green eyed was left speechless, her eyes wandered up and down the future queen's body. The small brunette was still shaking,her bottom lip was trembling slightly and by gazing into her red and puffy eyes, Lauren realized that the watery trails on her cheeks were not caused by the rain drops, but by the girl's tears.

" Would you like me to bring you something dry to wear , your grace?" The green eyes asked carefully.

Camila's chocolate eyes let up immediately at the other's girl offer. "I'd like that, yes." She replied with a nod. At that Lauren nodded and made her way to the small closet, in which she and her mother's kept their clothes. Lauren didn't have many dresses, she had another one expect for the one she is wearing and it took her a few seconds to pull of the closet and hand it over to the young princess.

Camila took the dress gladly , eager to get rid of the one soaked one that she had on her body. The dress that was given to her by the green eyed was probably the worst Camila has ever laid her hands on, but it seemed more comfortable that the puffy white dress that was not white anymore, " Where do I change ?" The princess asked politely .

Lauren looked around the small hut. "You can change here ." The green eyed said at last . "I'll turn around." The future queen was clearly not happy with the suggestion, but knew it was the only option as she looked around the hut bitterly.

"Alright . Turn around " She commanded and waited until the other girl obeyed and waited . The young princess swallowed hard as she carefully removed the wet items of clothing from her body and threw them on the already wet floor . She made sure every once in a while that the slightly taller, green eyes girl wasn't looking.

Lauren did not dare to pick or look at anywhere but the wall. She gulped as couldn't help but blush at the situation. She bit back a smirk.

"You are free to turn around." Camila told the other girl after she put on the dress that has been given to her. Lauren's cheeks became hotter at the sight of the brown eyed wearing her dress. The princess's cheeks also became rosy for some reason she couldn't explain as she felt the other girl eyeing her. " Can you give me something to eat? I have not eaten since I left the castle at midday." Camila asked suddenly remembering how hungry she was.

"Of course, my princess. I don't have much, but I have a bit of bread and a couple of apples." Lauren replied and moved to the small table that was big enough for no longer than two people. She moved one of the wooden chairs and signaled the slightly shorter girl to take a seat.

The princess's heart fluttered in her chest as she heard the green eyed girl . She couldn't help but smile to herself as she realized the poor girl was nothing but kind to her ever since she knocked on her door, after everything she has been through that day. She sat down as she watched the other girl brought out a plate with a piece a bread and a green apple in front of her. The hungry princess immediately took a bite from the piece of bread. " Sit down with me." She told the slightly taller girl that obeyed instantly and took a seat in front of the future queen of France. " Where is your family?" The queen asked, wondering if a girl at her age could live on her own.

"My mother is working in the French court. She's a cook " Lauren replied simply, making short eye contact. " We live here together , just the pair of us, ever since my father died . He go very sick." Lauren said quietly, playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry. " Camila said, meeting the girl's emerald eyes. "There's nothing you should be sorry for, your grace." The green eyed replied, watching the princess finished eating.

"What is your name ?" Camila suddenly felt a strong need to know more about the dark haired girl with stunning emerald eyes.

"My name is Lauren, your grace."


After a long night, in which Camila stayed at Lauren's hut and even got to sleep in Lauren's bed while Lauren occupied the floor, the rain finally stopped and the royal guards managed to find the small house and Camila, the future queen of France, after they knocked on every door and searched the village.

"Thank you, Lauren . I will remember the kindness you showed me." The princess spoke , standing outside the small hut, next to the royal carriages and guards that were ready on their horses to take the princess back to the court.Lauren bowed down, smiling softly at the princess, the girl with the London dark brown hair that was messy but framed her face beautifully; the girl with the beautiful chocolate brown orbs and full lips that made the frayed dress Lauren gave seems beautiful as if it fitted her body perfectly, as the dress was made for her to wear. Lauren hoped, as she watched Camila getting into the carriage , that she will get to see, even though deep inside she knew that she probably would never will.

"Wait ,my princess!" Lauren exclaimed as she remembered the expensive dress that was lying on the floor. " Your dress, my princess. You have forgetting it. "

"You can keep it. " Camila said simply. "I still have yours on me."

"No, I can't. Wait a second, my princess, I will bring it to you. " Lauren told her as she made her step towards the door.

" I said you can keep it." The princess stopped her. "It's the least I can do after everything you did for me." Camila said and sat inside the royal carriage, closing the door behind her.

Lauren watched as the carriage with Camila rode anyway, still hoping that it wasn't going to be the last time, like Camila promised.


Thanks for reading, cuties :) sorry for not updating quick . I've been studying like I've said before . Please wish me luck! And don't forget to vote !

Spoiler alert : next chapter you are going to find out how Camila , her Parents, and her fiancé the future King of Scotland is going to feel

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