Chapter Eleven

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I Was listening to Repeating Days by R5 , I recommend it.

Camila was still trying to force herself to think logically, but it didn't seem to work. Austin held Lauren in his room, he tied her up to a chair and hit her. The boy she was supposed to get marry to very soon. She looked up at the tired emerald eyes that had so much fear in them that managed to fear Camila, herself. She started to untie the raven haired girl, taking her hand and pulling her up to her legs as she finished. "We're getting out of here."


"My princess," Lauren mumbled weakly, letting Camila drag her by her hand as they ran through the halls of the large castle. "Where are we going?" She asked, watching the other girl as she looked around carefully, navigating around the castle.

"Shh.." The young princess thanked god for knowing the castle as the palm of her hand. She was suddenly grateful for those long days in which she had nothing better to do than wander around the castle, finding hidden exits and tunnels. "I'm getting us out of here." She whispered as quietly as she could, still making sure that the tired girl heard her. Lauren was still in pain from the beating she suffered, but she tried her best to be quick and quiet. She trusted Camila, the small brunette seemed to know exactly where she was going. Before she knew, they were outside the castle. "Now come, we have to get as far away from here as possible." The brown eyed told the other, her grip on the girl's hand only tightens up. It was the middle of the night, and the two girls could barely see a thing. Funny, Camila thought, just a few days ago, she couldn't bare the thought of getting too far away from court. Now, she was running away from it, in the middle of the night, holding the person who shouldn't has her heart's hand.

Lauren shook her head, standing in her spot. "No."

"What's wrong?" Camila asked, searching for Lauren's facial features through the darkness.

"You can't do this. You can't just leave the court. You're the princess, the future queen, you know what you need to do to take care of the country, of the people." Lauren told her quietly. They both knew what Camila needed to do. She needed to stay in court and marry Austin. Even Lauren knew the priorities. "You let me out, I'll escape. You can't leave the castle, you can't just disappear."

Camila shook her head, refusing to let Lauren's words sink in. She knew what she needed to do, but she also knew what she wanted to do, and that was the choice she had to make. "We can't do this now. We have to go." She tried again, tugging on Lauren's hand. "I'm already out here with you. I'm not going back to marry that psychopath who did this to you." She raised her hand to let her fingers trace over the big bruise around Lauren's eye. "We're both leaving, right now. It's a command."

Lauren knew that Camila's commands meant nothing at that point, but she nodded, letting the young princess lead her as they started running further and further away from the royal court. They had nowhere to go. They could go to Lauren's old house in the village, but it was too far away. Camila couldn't ignore the fact that they needed to find a safe place to stay for the night. Lauren was too weak and she was starting to get tired too, after all the running. "My princess, I can't run anymore." Lauren mumbled, breathing heavily, but still running.

"I know, I know," Camila told the other girl softly, understanding her weakness. "Just a bit more.." She looked around her desperately, feeling sudden relief as her eyes landed on a small pub, not too far, exactly what they needed. "Come on, Lauren, I found a place."


The pair of the girls were breathing heavily as they reached the small pub. Camila didn't let go of Lauren's hand, making sure she was right there behind her for the whole time as she reached out for the doorknob. Just a bit of luck, that's all I ask for.The young princess thought as she tried to open the wooden door. Fortunately, it wasn't locked. She stepped in, Lauren right beside her. Her eyes scanned the whole room. The pub was lightened up by candles. Two candles on each wooden table and it was enough to light up the whole space. It was, in fact, a pleasant sight, which caught the young girl's attention for a moment.

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