Chapter Five

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"What is that?!" The two girls suddenly heard the door open and a male's voice. Camila moved away and Lauren stood up instantly, them both looking shocked at Austin, Camila's future husband and king.


"I - I can explain." The words escaped the young princess's lips. But how could she explain? She didn't even know what made her almost kiss Lauren. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she wondered if anyone could hear it while she was staring speachless at her future husband. Time passed in silence and it seemed like forever to Camila as she tried to form a proper explanation.

"What can you explain, Camila? Why your face was an inch apart from that filthy peasant's face?" Austin asked, raising his tone. His eyes were filled with anger. "Well, I'm waiting!" The future king of France shouted, his gaze wandering from one girl to another. "I knew there was something wrong ever since that day you came back from the village, when we had a fight! And now this." Austin said, disgusted. "Right when we were about to start discussing about our wedding."

Lauren was standing with her head down, not daring to look up at any of the two other people in the room. She felt bad, but mostly scared. She felt the future king of France's eyes on her and knew she was in big troubles.

"We will talk about this later, Austin." Camila said quietly. As much as she was scared for herself and from Austin's reaction, she was much more scared for Lauren. She knew Austin was capable of punishing her and the thought made her fill with worry. This is all my fault. What was I thinking? The young princess thought.

"No. We will talk about it right now." Austin said harshly, stepping forward and grabbing Lauren by her arm violently. He dragged her to the door and passed her to the guard who was standing outside Camila's room. "Take her to the dungeon."

"No!" Camila let out as she watched the guard dragging Lauren away from her sight. "What are you doing?!" She shouted at her future husband. Camila was not used to that kind of behavior from Austin. She knew exactly what he was capable of doing out of anger, but this time it surprised her. "She didn't do anything! Let her go!"

"So it was you, then? You kissed her?" Austin spat out.

"We didn't kiss, Austin! It was nothing. It's not what you think." The princess said, throwing her hands in the air.

"It's exactly what I think. I'm not stupid, Camila. I saw you almost kissed that filthy peasant!"

"Stop calling her that!"

At that, the king of scots clenched his jaw. "Why do you care how I call that stupid girl? She's nothing. You're the future queen and I'm the future king of France! Why does she even bother you?"

Camila was left speachless again. Austin's question has been the question that's been in her mind constantly ever since she returned to the castle. She looked into his eyes as she swallowed hard. "Get out of here. Now."

Camila thought that Austin was about to shout at her again. But he didn't. He just looked at the young princess with an unreadable face. "You should pray that your mother and father won't hear about this. They won't be as gentle with that peasant of yours as I was. And you know how fast rumors spread in this castle." The future king of France said coldly and turned around to leave the room, leaving Camila paralized in her spot, worried and scared.


Lauren let the guard take her to the dungeon, she didn't want to get into more troubles and hoped that someone, Camila, for that matter, will make sure to free her. She gulped as the guard pushed her into a cell and locked the heavy wooden door behind her, exactly as his future king commanded him to do.

Lauren could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she thought about her mother. She was probably worried because of Lauren's absence. The green eyed sat down on the cold ground as she remembered the promise she made to her mother, to come back to the kitchen of the castle without getting into troubles. She did not keep it. It wasn't entirely her fault, but she couldn't blame the future queen of France. Every single thing that happened in the last thirty minutes did not make sense to the green eyed.

Camila, the princess of France almost kissed her. And for a moment there, Lauren was craving the feeling of the beautiful brunette's lips against her own. She knew it was wrong, but it didn't make it any less true. Was she actually fantasizing about Camila? The princess and the future queen of France?

Earlier, in Camila's bedroom, Lauren ignored Austin's words to Camila about preparations for their wedding, but thinking about it right then made her feel weird. As if she'd do anything to prevent that royal marriage from happening. What was wrong with her? She couldn't have that kind of thoughts. That kind of thoughts and actions made her end up in the dungeon.

Tears streamed down Lauren's face as she sat on the ground quietly, hoping for anything to happen. For someone to get her out of there. The girl was sitting there for at least an hour and it seemed like much more than that to her. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She knew it was not the guard who was standing outside the cell's heavy wooden door. Her heartbeat increased as she heard a familiar voice.

"Unlock this door and let me in." Camila. Lauren thought. She was relieved for a moment and then remembered that the young princess was the reason she was locked down there. She swallowed hard as she heard the door opening.

Camila stepped into the cell and the guard closed the door behind her. The sight of the green eyed, sitting on the cold ground and crying pained the young princess. "Lauren." She sighed, taking a few steps towards the other girl. She didn't know what to say, knowing everything was her fault. Lauren looked up at the princess and nodded her head slightly.

The young princess cleared her throat. She couldn't apologize. That would make it seem like it was her fault and she couldn't let anyone think that. She was the future queen. Technically, she shouldn't have been in the dungeon. She shouldn't have been there, trying to free the other girl that should've meant nothing to her as a future queen. But she was down there. And Lauren did mean something to her. And Austin's words kept echoing in her head.

You know how fast rumors spread in this castle. She couldn't let her parents know. "I need you to forget about what happened. Or to pretend it didn't happen." Camila said as coldly as she could while she was looking down at the green eyed who was still crying. Why does she even bother you? She kept asking herself.

Lauren nodded, gulping. "I will forget about it. I won't tell about it to anyone, I promise, your grace." Her voice was shaking. "Just please, free me. I'll go back to my house and you won't hear of me again, I won't come back, my princess." Lauren begged. "I don't want to cause any troubles."

I'll go back to my house and you won't hear of me again, I won't come back. Why did these words pained Camila? She couldn't bare the thought of not seeing Lauren again, that's why. "I don't want that." The young princess let out, without thinking, regretting her words just a second after they left her lips.

"You don't want what, your grace?" Lauren asked, carefully.

"I don't want you to leave." Camila answered honestly, knowing it was a mistake.

"Are you going to keep me here?" Lauren was scared of the princess's possible answer.

"No." Camila watched Lauren relaxing physically. "Not down here." The young princess "I could use a new servant."


Hi :) thanks for reading my lovely crowd of beautiful people !

I feel like this story is not really getting there if you know what I mean. Im thinking about deleting it. Anyways don't forget to vote !

This story/fanfic is not mine it's from a author from

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