Chapter Seven

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Lauren watched Camila's desperate eyes and let out the words easily. "I'm yours and I promise that I'll never leave, my princess." She felt Camila relaxing and moving even closer to her, burying her head in the crook of Lauren's neck and placing soft kisses on Lauren's skin, that felt as if it was on fire.


- - - -

Camila woke up in her bed, opening her eyes as the memories from last night crept into her mind slowly. She looked around her, expecting to find Lauren's body beside her, but finding a cold sheet instead. An empty bed. She frowned, rubbing her tired eyes and looking up, finding Lauren sitting on a chair, looking down at her hands that sat in her lap as she played with her fingers. She seem uncomfortable. "Lauren?" Camila mumbled as she got out of bed and started to make her way towards the green eyed.

Lauren looked up as she heard Camila's raspy morning voice. "Yes, your grace?" She replied, getting out of bed to stand in front of the other girl.

"Why did you wake up so early?" Camila asked, studying the green eyed. Her hair was a bit messy and she seemed tired, but still beautiful.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know." She answered, and in a way, she really didn't know. Something about waking up in the future queen of France's bed feared her and made her feel good at the same time. She was afraid of the feelings towards Camila that developed and couldn't be.

Camila smiled softly at her answer. "Okay." She whispered and placed a hand on Lauren's cheek. Lauren swallowed hard as she saw the young princess leaning in slowly, about to connect their lips. The green eyed moved away quickly, taking a step back. Camila's hurt facial expression broke Lauren's heart.

"I, um, I need to go to see my mother. She's probably sick with worry. I suppose she's still here in the kitchen." Lauren mumbled, biting her lower lip.

The princess nodded, swallowing hard. Why is she moving away from me? Why is she acting as if nothing happened last night? "You may go." She didn't want Lauren to leave, not like that. And she knew it was risky since she was basically keeping her in the castle as her little secret. For now. But she knew Lauren needed to go see her mother. No one would find her in the kitchen, Austin never go down there.

"Thank you, your grace." The green eyed bowed down slightly, offering the other girl a soft smile before getting out of the room she's spent the night in and running to meet her mother in the kitchen.

- - - -

"Mother?" Lauren called as she stepped into the big kitchen that was filled with other cooks, running around.

"Lauren!" A huge smile formed on Lauren's face as she heard her mother's voice and turned around to find the source of it, running into her arms and hugging her tightly as she finally found her. She felt her mother wrapping her arms around her immediately. "Where have you been?! I was so worried. Don't ever disappear like that again." Her mother said, kissing Lauren's head lovingly.

"I'm sorry. A lot happened." Lauren said, thinking whether she should tell her mother about last night's events or not. "I have good news! Princess Camila wants me to be her servant."

At that, her mother's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "What? How? Where did that come from?"

"It's a long story. I don't know why, but she wants me here to serve her. That means money and a room in the castle, for you and me!" The green eyed said excitedly.

"This - This is great, Lauren!" Her mother told her, smiling, kissing her forehead. "I want to hear all about that long story.."

"You will, eventually." Lauren said, smiling back. Her mind wandered back to Camila, wondering how she was doing after the way she left her in her bedroom.

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