Welcome to Etheria

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Quick A/n but the she-ra time line will take place in season four not three or two.

Narrators pov

Amity and Luz walked through the portal expecting to be in the boiling isles.

They weren't. They were in a whole new universe.

"Where are we?" Amity questions " are we not on the boiling isles " Luz responds " doesn't look like it "

They looked around they where in a forest.

Amity hopped on her staff Luz following after her, they flew up into the air to try and get a better look and figure out where they are.

They soon spotted a castle. It was the brightmoon castle. Of course they didn't know that.

Luz points towards the castle. " let's go there " she says.

Amity flys over to the bridge just to be greeted by the guards

" Hey what are you two doing here " one of the guards ask

" do you know where we are?" Luz questions

" your at the brightmoon castle." The guard responds

They are both visibly confused.

" we're definitely not in the boiling isles " Amity whispers to Luz

They didn't know where they were nor where to go, they turned around to be met with Adora, Bow, Huntra, And Perfuma.

They had just got back from the Crimson waste

" who are you?" Bow asks " yeah are you guys new recruits or something?" Perfuma adds

" Umm, yes. Yeah we are the new recruits" Luz responds

" oh well then welcome to brightmoon! " adora says cheerfully dragging the inside the castle


After adora showed them Around they met back up with bow

" oh yeah I forgot to ask, what's your names?"

"I'm Luz and this is Amity "

Glimmer walks out the meeting room and see's adora bow Luz and Amity

" Hey guys," glimmer starts " who are they?"

" oh this is Luz and Amity. They are new recruits" bow says

They both wave at glimmer, glimmer looks at the suspiciously

" I don't remember us getting new recruits."

"crap" Luz says, as they both start running down the hall glimmer teleported in front of them


Sense glimmer is short they both hopped onto Amity's staff and flew above her.

The flew out of the castle.

"Welp where to now"  Amity says

Luz doesn't respond and sees Adora glimmer and bow chasing them on swift wind.

It honestly looked like a police chase in the movies, except in the sky.

Amity started heading towards the ground.

" Maybe we could lose them in the woods" she says.

They land and start sprinting at top speed, glimmer spots them from in the sky and teleports In front of them, Adora. and bow land behind them

" do you guys work for the horde or something?" Glimmer asks

" what?" Luz says in confusion

" The Horde!"  Glimmer starts " you know the ppl who've been Attacking us!"

" look If we tell you the truth will you help us?" Amity states

" sure " Adora says

Time skip cause lazy ( All they did we explain their life story and how they got to Etheria)

" and that's About it " Luz said

" So you expect us to believe that your from a different world or even a whole different universe?" Glimmer says folding her arms

" I mean yea." Amity says

" Well I don't, first off we didn't even open a portal, second there is so such thing as the Boiling isles"

" how would you know? Sounds like you've never left your universe" Luz states

Glimmer rolls her eyes at Luz

" take them to the spare room " glimmer says as bow puts a rope around both of their wrists and takes them back to the castle

Another time skip, brought to u by laziness.

The Guard throws them into the room.

Amity was smart and burned the rope off after the guard left.

Luz just sat down her back against the wall. Amity walks over to her and sits next to her.

" You okay Luz?"

" No I am worried About eda, and king. I keep on getting separated from them. And then my mom is also in the demon realm all by herself, and I am worried about her and-"

" calm down Luz " Amity says cutting  her off  " your mom is with willlow, Gus an hunter. They'll protect her. Plus I am 100% sure we will be back before anything really bad can happen"

"Thank you " Luz says pulling Amity into an tight embrace

Meanwhile ( w the best friend squad)

" comm'n Glimmer their just two teenagers, they can't do that much harm " bow says

" bow did you see them, some how they can turn that cat thingy into a staff and fly on it. Their not like any or the witches or wizards we've seen " glimmer states

" kay but did you even listen to what they told us? Maybe they're telling the truth, maybe they are from another universe glimmer" adora responds

" look I am going to have shadow weaver teach me how to do a truth spell then we'll se rig they're really telling the truth" glimmer says walking away

adora groans " she just doesn't listen " adora starts " they are most likely telling the truth,
I mean that type of Magic isn't of our world."

" you are correct, that type of magic isn't of our world. The question is how do we get glimmer to figure that out "

" I think she knows, but she is to stubborn to realize that we are right and we should help them get back home" Adora says obviously annoyed

" look we will be able to see if they are telling the truth" bow says


Hi whoever is reading this. This is my first book I've ever written for ppl to read. I do write in my free time ( not on Wattpad ) but Anyways tell me if you liked it and if you want me to continue it. Thanks and bye!

- Ariay

Word Count: 980

Lumity goes to Etheria Where stories live. Discover now