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Warnings: swearing, talk of violence


Leo woke up with a pounding headache but he thought nothing of it and got dressed for school and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast

"Hey guys" Leo said as he walked in and saw his family sitting at the counter

"Hey Leo" Chase said, smiling, being the first time reply

"Hey Leo!" Adam yelled, making Leo's headache slightly worse

"Hey" Bree said simply

Leo sat down at the counter and put his head in his arms making the sibling look at him with worried expressions

"You okay Leo?" Chase asked, being the most concerned

Leo groaned in response

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, going into big brother mode

Leo tapped his head and they figured from there he had a headache

Chase reached out and patted his head as a comforting gesture

Leo leaned slightly into the touch

"Is it just a headache or are you sick?" Chase asked

"Just a headache I think" Leo said quietly

"Okay, have you taken any Tylenol yet?" He asked as he raised his hands, ready to signal Bree to go get some

Leo shook his head and Chase gave the signal and Bree ran and got some while Adam got Leo some juice to take it with

"Here you go" Adam handed Leo the juice while Bree handed him the Tylenol

Leo took it and thanked them before looking at the time

"We need to get to school" he stood up but immediately regretted it when he got really dizzy and almost fell over

Adam grabbed his shoulders quickly to keep him from falling

"Woah there" Adam said "you sure you aren't sick?" He asked as he slowly took his hands off Leo's shoulders, making sure he wouldn't lose his balance again

"I'm fine" Leo answered "let's go"

He started walking to the door and the others made a silent agreement to keep an eye on him throughout the day

When they got to school Leo seemed fine and they split off to their classes before meeting back up afterwards at the round bench

Adam was ranting about something random occasionally glancing at Leo to make sure he was okay

When he notices Leo slightly holding his head and squeezing his eyes shut, he stopped talking and gave his full attention to the second youngest of the group

"You okay?" He asked carefully

Leo nodded slowly and opened his eyes

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