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Warnings: none, this is all fluff :3

This is gonna start by sounding like a ship fic but I promise it's not- that's nasty

This is about Leo and Douglas


When Douglas moved in, Leo found himself hanging out around him a lot

At first he just said that he wanted to keep an eye on him, make sure he didn't try anything

But the more they hung out, the more he found himself relating to his step-uncle

They were both looked down on throughout most of their lives

They were both underestimated

They both just wanted to make their family proud

Eventually Douglas got used to the 16 year old hanging out with him and grew to care about him

Not that he'd admit it

He didn't even admit caring for his own kids let alone someone else's

Everyone kept asking why they hung out so much though

They always blew it off, saying Leo wanted to make sure Douglas didn't try anything or that Douglas was showing Leo how to blow something up

They always accepted the answer

Leo and Douglas were currently in the lab, working on the orbs Leo was trying to make a few months ago

Douglas was helping him figure out why they wouldn't shut down before so they could keep that from happening again

The others were all doing their own things

Donald was at a meeting

Tasha was working

Chase was helping some kid with their homework

Adam was... Well being Adam

Bree was hanging out with her friends

So Douglas and Leo were the only ones home

"I think I found your problem" Douglas announced

"What did I screw up?" Leo asked with a sigh

"You didn't really screw up, I've made this mistake a few times, you just had the wrong wires connected to the wrong places" Douglas explained, showing him

"Ohhhh" Leo muttered as he looked "yet, big D couldn't figure this out"

Douglas laughed

"You should know by now that I'm the better brother, kid"

"Tell anyone I said this and I'll destroy you but yeah, you kind of are" Leo said

Douglas smiled

"Now, we just gotta reconnect this wire" he grabbed the one he was referring to, very carefully "over here"

Douglas corrected the wiring, making sure to show Leo exactly what he was doing the whole time

After about 10 minutes, the orbs were flying again and shut off when commanded to do so

"This is awesome!" Leo said "man, where were you when I first made these things?!"

"Probably hiding in a bush to get away from Krane" Douglas answered

"Probably" Leo nodded "thanks Douglas"

"No problem kid"

The end


I had to do something with Leo and Douglas :)

There will be more things like this coming soon

Hope you enjoyed

-AJ out!

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