random conversations

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Warnings: swearing

This chapter is just a bunch of one shots that are too short to be their own chapter

I will randomly add to this btw



Leo was talking to Logan in the training area while they watched Adam teach his students

"How far do you think Adam would go to protect his family?" Logan randomly asked

"I don't know, pretty far" Leo shrugged

"Dude, I'm pretty sure Adam would throw himself in front of a moving car for you" Logan pointed out

"Adam would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun" Leo argued

Logan was about to disagree but thought about it and shrugged

"Yeah, probably"


(This is in the beginning of Bionic action hero)

Gizzele was talking to Douglas about the movie before she asked him a question

"How can you hate the world so much but still be so good to your family?" She asked "don't deny it either"

Douglas sighed and glanced over where his kids and Leo stood near the cyber keyboards

"Cause they are the only good things to come out of this world" he answered honestly

"Well that's stupid" Gizzele mumbled


(Before bionic island)

Chase walked into the kitchen and saw Leo making something

"What are you doing?" Chase asked

Leo looked up

"Making chocolate milk" he answered with a smile "want some?"

Chase scoffed

"No thanks, I'm sixteen" he said before walking away

"Well fuck you too then" Leo muttered to himself


Leo and the rats were on a mission and they were doubting Chase's plan

"Come on guys, when have my calculations ever been wrong?" He asked rhetorically

"Well.... " Bree started

"Well... " Adam repeated

"Well..... " Leo finished

"Shut up, that was one time, this'll work" Chase argued


Leo and his siblings were relaxing in the living quarters, all of them doing something on their phones

Leo suddenly looked up in thought

"I'm so fucking pissed" he started, getting everyone's attention "I just realized, they're called pancakes because they're cakes that you make in a frying pan, fuck english"

Bree and Chase gave him a weird look before Chase smirked

"Waterfall" He said

Leos eyes widened

"Oh my god, I'm fucking furious" he muttered

The others laughed


Lab rats one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now