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Warnings: swearing, self depreciation, probably other stuff lmk


Leo and the lab rats were sitting on the round bench in school, Adam and Leo sitting on the top part while Chase and Bree were sitting on it 'the correct way'

Leo was ranting about a new comic coming out this week, Adam was the only one who understood what Leo was talking about but they all listened

"It comes out this Friday and I'm so excited about it- I've been waiting for this comic for months it's about these four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -that's the name of the comic by the way- who fight this evil dude named Shredder and were trained by a mutant rat named Yoshi Yamato -everyone calls his Splinter though- and Shredder is his adopted brother who he thought died in a fire like seventeen years before these take place, he also his wife and his daughter in the fire or he thought he did but his daughter is actually alive!" Leo paused for a moment to take a breath, he'd been talking really fast "the shredder raised her to be evil like him so she could kill Splinter and -once he discovered them- the turtles, he also has some foot ninjas that fight for him before he take them on himself, he loses though, obviously, but I've also realized that the turtles are a lot like us! Leonardo -who they mostly call Leo- is a lot like Chase, Donatello -or Donnie- is also kind of like Chase cause he's super smart but he has a personality similar to Bree's, Raphael -Raph- ... I don't know about him.. He's usually really angry and protective when it comes to his brothers so he could be kind of like Adam I guess, he's also the strongest so that makes sense, Michelangelo -Mikey- is kind of like me and Adam!"

His pause to breathe didn't affect how fast he was talking but everyone had grown used to it at this point

Unfortunately... Some people were assholes

"Does that kid ever stop talking?" Some random person muttered to his friend who laughed

Chase and Adam had heard it but Leo didn't so they didn't say anything

"How do you know all that if the comic isn't out yet?" Chase asked

"Spoilers and it was a show back in nineteen eighty-seven- Leo answered with a smile "it's already out in some places so a lot of people are posting about it on social media"

"And you still watched the videos, knowing they contained spoilers?" Bree asked since Leo normally avoided spoilers like the plague

"Yeah, I got too excited to skip them and I wanted to make sure this would actually be a money worthy comic" Leo nodded

"I thought every comic was a money worthy comic?" Chase mocked as Leo had said this a few months ago

"With research first brother, with research" Leo responded before the bell rang

"He didn't even let anyone talk the entire time they've been sitting there" the same guy from earlier mumbled to himself, as if it was his business

Adam sent him a glare, careful not to use his heat vision... As tempting as it was

He didn't care if he didn't get a single word in, he enjoyed seeing Leo excited about something as simple as a comic and so did his other siblings, he knew it

If Leo heard him then he didn't show it, he just kept walking to his next class, waving a 'see you later' to the other 3

Once he was out of sight, the random dude -who they vaguely knew as Jacob- came up to them

Lab rats one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now