Aka Manto vs. The Nun (Chilla's Art vs. Puppet Combo)

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Track Name: Holy Slashes

Winner: Aka Manto

This fight was tough to call at first. Both Aka Manto and the Nun have similar speed and strength feats. Also, both are supernatural beings. It all came down to their defenses/weaknesses. Aka Manto is an ancient being, and can only be killed by the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, a legendary imperial Japanese sword that is specifically designed to kill him, and coming across it isn't easy. The Nun can be killed by normal methods, such as burning. It can be assumed that the Nun can also be killed by other methods as well, such as stabbing.

Her acid vomit wouldn't help her here, since it's implied that the Kusanagi no Tsurugi is the only thing capable of killing Aka Manto. All her acid vomit would do is probably piss him off. A lot of the Nun's feats rely on psychological torture, mind games and traps. Aka Manto's feats are purely physical. He has multiple different ways of killing others, and has been shown to go after those that try to outsmart or run from him. It's likely that Aka Manto wouldn't fall for the Nun's tricks.

Also, one of Aka Manto's methods of killing involves dragging his victims to Hell. So if burning really is the only way to kill the Nun, Aka Manto likely has that covered. Since Death Battle doesn't allow outside help, the Nun likely wouldn't be able to use the Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

Aka Manto has a far higher kill count than the Nun, even though both don't have a confirmed kill count. However, Aka Manto has centuries of experience over the Nun, so it's highly likely that he has the higher kill count.

Overall the winner here is abundantly clear to those that actually look into it or know enough about it.

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