Chapter 9 // Weekend Break

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I watched Defect walking towards the sewing table with a pair of scissors in his hands. He slowly slips the blades onto the royal blue clothing as he started cutting it into thin strips. Bobo walked out of his room and saw the scene.

"Defect, what are you making?" he asked curiously before he could feed the strips into the sewing machine.

"Just making a new ribbon for myself," Defect replied politely as he finished sewing the first strip.

After he was done, he holds the blue ribbon in front of him. I think I know why he wanted a blue strip. As Defect said before, he wanted to be unique and different from his other comrades. The color blue, the symbol of calm and gentleness, was the full definition of Defect. I could clearly tell in his eyes, he doesn't want to rely more on his offense, but rather protect the ones he truly cares about. He then straps the ribbons on both of his arms before turning towards Bobo.

"So, what do you think?" he said, spreading his arms to let Bobo see his new sewn blue ribbons.

"I think it looks quite great; I like it!" I insisted before Bobo could respond his opinion.

"What he said," Bobo added.

Galf walked into the shop and sees Defect's new clothing style.

"Man, I never knew you could sew something very clean," Galf said as he held Defect's arm to have a closer inspection. 

"Thanks," Defect answered.

Galf then turns towards me and Bobo. It looked as if he was ready to see what Bobo and I got from the Seraph Research dimension. I opened my backpack before pulling out a sword that looked as if some 5-year-old painted all over the blade in green color. Galf was shocked.

"Is that the energy sword I see?" Galf stuttered as he only watched the sword.

"Yes, I know it's probably worthless," I said, trying to hand the sword over to Galf, "here, take it,"

"In that case, you can keep that," Galf said, backing away from the sword.

That was odd. Usually, Galf would take anything to sell something onto the shop, but now, he wouldn't even want to touch an artifact. Galf would even take an egg on toast and sell it into his shop if he wanted to. I should be thankful; I might use the sword when I feel threatened or endangered by a nextbot. Although, I don't think an image like being would even be feared by such a puny sword.

"Alright, thanks," I meekly answered as I put the sword behind my back, "so, when is our next expedition?"

"Hmm? Oh, you don't have another one tomorrow!" he said, "it's the weekend remember? You, Defect Rebel and Bobo can take a rest in my shop for a while. In the meantime, I will search for more dimensions that are currently making a new artifact!"

I took a huge deep breath before letting out a sigh of relief. For almost 5 days straight, I had been running non-stop just to survive from those gruesome monsters and now I could relax back in Galf's little shop. Unfortunately, holidays are not a thing in my occupation.

"So, we are having a break?" Bobo asked curiously, smiling from what he heard from Galf.

"That's right!" Galf said as he walked into the hallway in his shop, "have fun, you lot!"

When Galf disappeared into his own bedroom, Bobo screamed excitingly as he grabbed onto my sleeves and jumped up and down like a small child. 

"Do you know what this means! This means we can have some fun!" he screamed into my ears.

"Well, that means I don't need to worry about my cola limit then," I said in glory as I grabbed a cola from the fridge.

I flipped the cap and let the drink fizz over my hands. I gulped down the delicious solvent as bubbles lightly stun my tongue and my throat. Only this time, this feeling of pain was a great one. I don't know whether I am used to drinking the cola or the cola's capacity seemed to shrink every time I drink one can. 

"Well, that was a bit pointless," I groaned as I turned towards the fridge again, "I'm getting another can-"

"No, Jard! We don't want you to go into a sugar rush again!" Bobo yelled with a serious face before closing the fridge as soon as I opened it.

"Come on! Just one more!" I pleaded as Bobo shook his head in refusal.

"Are you really that old and you still go into a sugar rush?" Defect asked as he walked towards the shop, looking at the recent artifacts.

"He did go into one previously during our trip to Four Corners," Bobo blurted, turning towards me and giggled, "I wouldn't be surprised if he gets diabetes after a few weeks,"

"Shut up," I said, jokingly punched Bobo on the shoulder.

"So Umm, Defect," I said, attempting to change the subject, "how did you meet Galf?"

"Oh, him?" he said, looking at me with his shiny blue eyes, "I sometimes visit his shop and buy a lot of military weapons. I also loved the bronze teleporter,"

He reached into his backpack and revealed his personal teleporter. Unlike the original blue glowing teleporter, it was replaced by the triangular bronze base with beautiful glowing yellow light spurting out of it. Now, he isn't the only one with an artifact. I pulled out the energy sword that Galf unexpecting gifted to me. He didn't want it, in fact the sword seemed to scare him. Even Defect was shocked by the weapon I held.

"I see the reason why Galf wanted to give you that," Defect said out of the blue.

"Why is that so?" I asked, but Defect looked away from me in ashamed.

"I would tell you, but it's something terrible," he answered, "very terrible,"

How does Defect know all of this stuff? He is like a walking history book who knows every detail of artifacts. Maybe the energy sword is linked with his former group?

"I just know what that sword does, I was taught at the Rebel base," he continued, still looking away from me, "it was why we were there, trying to steal the artifact from the Elysium Corporation,"

I am about to walk up to one of those Corporation staff and slowly squeeze the life out of them. Why does every trip I go are connected with them?! 

"Also, Galf constantly talked about your legacy on going one dimension to another, stealing artifacts in a blink of an eye. Once I heard about Bobo joining the team, I refused to listen to my comrades after they wanted you two dead," he said.

That was why he saved. He was probably the one who healed Bobo's minor wounds and safely brought him into the underground basement. He was truly trying to protect us. I grabbed another cola from the fridge and sipped it. 


That was Bobo. What an adorable tattletale. No matter how little childish he is. He is my friend. I was about to have another friend who saved me from the journey. I should stop worrying about this crap for a while and relax. After all, this is a weekend break. Better to put all my thoughts to the side and start enjoying a well-deserved break.

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