Chapter 17 // Ugly Truth behind the Screen

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"Whatever the case it may be, Jard, I don't think it's safe for you to continue your expeditions until we get this all under control," Galf spoke.

"Get what under control?!" I questioned.

I looked in the mirror. I did not understand every word Bobo was saying. Other than some sticky mess that green gunk made back at the Catacombs, I looked pretty normal. My eyes were perfectly fine, not a single green hue could be seen. Defect left the room. The situation was probably too much for him to handle. 

"Bobo, my eyes are not green!" I suddenly said, hoping that Bobo could relax a bit.

"They were before!" Bobo cried.

I paused. Were they? I tried to bring my arms around Bobo in attempt to comfort him... Only to forget my arms are immobilized by the tight rope.


"Oh... uh, sure!"

String by string, I felt my wrists loosening as the ropes fell to the ground next to my feet. Finally, some fresh air for my wrists. There are red marks, representing the patterns of the rope. It seems that I had been tied up for a very long time. I turned to Bobo.

"If I did go insane, how long had I been tied to the board?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Bobo calmed down to answer my question.

"I think you went crazy on that board for like 30 minutes," Bobo replied, wiping away his tears, "Defect had to hold you down when we tied you up,"

I'm starting to feel like they are making this shit up, just to get away with tying me up for whoever the fuck knows the reason. To put my theory on the test, I figured out a clever way to find out the truth. I know in his bedroom, Galf keeps a security camera over his bedroom. He told me that it ensures that nobody is trying to steal stuff in his bedroom whenever he's on the shop. Though, I don't think anybody would want to steal broken pieces of material and a line of some kid's collection. His security camera allows him to review what happened a few hours ago.

"Can I check the security room, Galf?" I asked.

"Sure thing," he replied, opening his bedroom door.

I walked through the long hallway once again, Galf's shop isn't just his shop, but also his house. He lives in his shop. The security room wasn't hard to find, it was a room with a door printed with the name "Security".

When I entered, it was almost pitch black. Without the lights turned on, the only hue I see are black and a few grey. I sat in those black wheelchairs as it rolled onto the grey wooden floor. I never saw Galf mopped his room before, but his security floor was almost flawless. I hover my hand over the desk to find the mouse, only to see a box of used cigarettes in the corner of the table. Galf must have been a heavy smoker. Finally the mouse was underneath my palm before I began scrolling through the security cameras. 

I clicked onto "Galf's bedroom" as it pops up with an imaging of Galf's bedroom. Bobo was in the corner of the room and folded up, probably traumatized by the recent event. Sometimes I wonder that I wasn't the one who's responsible for Bobo's PTSD. Lastly, I clicked a button on the screen to rewind the camera just when Defect and Bobo walked in. My fingers hovered over the left clicker, repairing to unwrap the true event.

That was when I saw the ugly truth. Just as when Defect came closer towards my unconscious body, the event of the horrifying truth starts. I watched as my body rose from the bed covers before tackling Defect to the ground, snarling at him like a wild dog. My eyes were as wide as plates and my jaws dropped in surprise. I continued watching the film.

"JARD! GET OFF ME!" was a phrase that burst out of the speakers. It sounded like Defect was struggling upon my body's weight.

It was later followed by a "HELP ME!"

I leaned closer towards the screen, trying to catch every detail in this horror movie. Defect's shirt was covered in glowing green water. Inspecting closer, I realized that was from me. Glowing lime saliva slid from my mouth as it dripped onto the floor and on Defect's uniform. No matter how many times Defect tried to kick me off, my body wouldn't budge.

Bobo tried to pull me off Defect, only to be chased around in the room. How was it possible? I never remembered starting a rage fit by jumping out of bed. I paused the screen to make sure it wasn't a prank pulled by Galf himself. I zoomed in the camera; taking a closer inspection of my face. Fear and guilt ran down my spine, my hands shook violently from the screen. On the security, my unconscious body made a snarling face with terrifying neon green glowing eyes. I was like a wild animal who had been dipped into radioactive waste. 

The entire film was like watching a horror movie. Nothing, but a constant torture of watching myself terrorizing my friends like an unconscious zombie. My stomach felt sicker than the time at the Catacombs.

"Well, now do you believe us?" Galf spoke from the security room, standing at the doorway.

Not taking anymore of the small horror film, I closed the security camera screen. I sat back into the wheelchair in silence, trying to swallow every information that I was fed. This couldn't be real, but it is. It wasn't some prank, it wasn't a dream, it was in fact real. My hands held my forehead, wiping away the sweat produced by the building of stress. 


"It's alright, Jard. We know it wasn't your fault," Galf interrupted as he came into the room for a hug. What a sweet guy.

He then pulled away from me. 

"Come on, let's get you back to my bedroom, I will make sure that it won't happen again,"

We walked down the hallway back towards his bedroom. I really hope my expedition break wasn't going to be as long as the summer holidays. I was very close to paying all of my college bills and debt.

"Do you know when this is going to end?" I asked as I walked beside Galf.

"Not sure, maybe when I feel like it's safe for you to go out to dimension trips again," Galf answered, laughing a bit.

I went back into the room, Bobo was still folded up into a small ball in the corner. Ignoring his puppy-like whimpers, I sat onto the bed once again. I tried to recall past events that might contribute to this disastrous catastrophe.

That glow worm...

That FUCKING glow worm...

I never knew that little thing would be a parasite. All of my fingers are pointing at it to blame. Okay, maybe some parts of it was my fault, I shouldn't had removed my shirt from my mouth in the first place. 

I'm usually the person who wouldn't care about whatever dimension I am going to as I was going to have to get used to them. This is odd for me to be saying this... but...

I really hate the Catacombs.

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