Chapter 27 // Coward

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The next few chapters are going to be in third person. I am sorry.

Third POV:

Every second, Jard's legs picked up the pace. He felt the walls were only getting closer and closer as he eyed to his destination, a destination in hoping to win his friend back from the grasp in a secret corrupt organization.

"Found it!" Defect whispered, pointing at an almost hidden door.

The door was not a mystery nor some kid's easter hunt. It has a dark wooden texture with clear golden letters labelling it's name. The Control Room, the exact place Jard was looking for. He reached his hand over to the handle before slowly turning it. Though, he didn't really think twice into this plane.

"Who's there?"

It was one of the Elysium security guards. She was wearing a white and grey uniform with a slight splash of orange on her side of her Elysium Uniform. Jard stood in front of the door, exposing his appearance to the guard for a handful amounts of seconds. Of course, this was a stupid move, it didn't take her to realize that Jard was the photo in that wanted poster, pinned to the walls of every hallway in the Elysium Tower.

"Hey! Aren't you that interdimensional traitor that every guard had been talking about," she stuttered, fearing the rebels behind Bobo as they walked in.

In a life and death situation like this, she grabbed a mop at the side of the room, lifting it high before charging at Jard, threatening to knock him out with the stick. Before Jard could react, Rebel walked behind him and putting his hand over his shoulders.

"Don't worry, let me handle this,"

As soon as the lady passed Rebel, he pulled out his silenced pistol and punted the poor security guard with the nuzzle. From the huge strength and massive impact, the guard fell to the ground. She is now unconscious, a giant red mark from the back of her neck could be clearly seen. Bobo made an "ouch" expression on his face as Defect slowly clapped his hands.

"Nice job," Defect said, "but I also wished Trooper taught you more on manners,"

"Oh, shut up! You're saying that just because she is a girl!" Rebel shot back quietly, putting his pistol back into the backpack.

Jard looked at the unconscious guard before looking at the group.

"Bobo, I want you to tie her up before she wakes up again. Defect and Rebel I want you two to watch the door just in case another crazy guard walks in and creates a bigger mess!" Jard explained, typing on the keyboard in front of him, "in the meantime, I will try and search for Galf on every computer screen to see where they would keep him,"

Bobo nodded as he grabbed the security guard and wrapping her tightly with a strong rope. Defect crouched down from the door and put his ears against the walls, ensuring to remind the group for sudden movements from the outside. Jard made his way through his boring security camera crews as he skips every channel without his friend being involved, but the only things he is getting were average Elysium Corporation communications and rookies taking a break in the lunchroom. Hearing them talking about how they caught a person who knows a lot about the artifacts tuned Jard more and more, knowing that Galf was definitely somewhere in the Elysium Towers.

Finally, there one of the faces caught Jard's attention on the 35th channel. Galf is in a tight situation. He has his hands tied up to the orange pole behind him with two strong guards beside him to look out for intruders trying to untie him. He noticed some horrific details on his friend. There were whip marks along his forehead bruises printed on his cheeks. He could clearly see the blood dripping down from the large cut across his cheeks. It fueled his anger; he clenched on the mouse.

Jard snarled with disgust at the person that shadowed over his friend. It was the leader of the Elysium Corporation; they were the reason why he was jungled up into this mess. Heck, they were the reason why Galf was here in the first place.

Jard slipped his hand into his backpack before pulling out his red glowing sword once again. He looked at Defect, Rebel and Bobo.

"There is no point in running away anymore," Jard spoke, making Defect sit up to take in his words, "from all those fucking days; with all those running around those stupid nextbots encouraged us to run away!"

"Aren't they dangerous though?" Rebel said, raising his eyebrows.

"I know that, but I understand them. They were there to protect the artifact from being stolen," Jard continued, "but this? This is exceptional,"

He raised his sword up to his chest level with the blade horizontally aligning with his chest, showing his teammates the sparkling and ominous glowing red texture.

"Sure, the Elysium Corporation is a strong company with an army, but stealing and hurting Galf is the last straw!" he stated, bittered by the invisible scars from Galf.

He looked at Defect and Rebel.

"It had been a lot changed when I met you two. We used to be enemies, having guns and swords directly at each other's hearts. But look at where we are now, we are here to save our friend,"

He then looked at Bobo, who looked up and ready to listen.

"And you, Bobo. You had been helping me throughout my journey. You at least changed my mind about nextbots... just a little... But without you, I wouldn't be here,"

Bobo smiled, thanking his friend's compliment, but curious on why he would be saying this in a desperate situation.

"So, Jard," Defect interrupted, "why are you saying this at this moment?"

Jard didn't respond. He walked directly at the security door. With great force, he flung the door open. Letting the door slam behind the walls, causing massive echoes across the hallway. Rebel looked at him like if went crazy.

"JARD! ARE YOU NUTS?! THEY CAN HERE THAT!" Rebel yelled, before Defect put his hands on his shoulders, telling him to stop shouting.

Jard stopped at the door entrance, with one leg in the security room and the other in the hallway. He paused for a few seconds from Rebel's recent comment. Bobo stood up and walked beside Defect, watching the tight tension bubbling to snap. There was silence in the room, even the people from the main area of the tower could be heard from afar. 

"I am tired of being a coward," Jard broke the silence, lowering his sword with his muscle tightened fist, "usually, I would run away, drunk myself in colas and wait until I get back home. This time, I will not leave with a fight. I am not leaving without that fucking leader bleed out. I am doing this for Galf,"

Another silence filled the space. Jard looked back to see his team mates having an amused and shocked expression his face. He wondered it was because that he said he wanted to fight an entire army of orange Elysium guards or the part where he literally said he waned to see the Elysium leader bleed to death. Either way, he was fine with it.

"Are you guys coming with me?" he asked one last time.

They looked at each other, not knowing whether Jard was doing the right thing. Finally, Defect and Rebel pulled out their pistols while Bobo acquired his baseball bat. 

"We are coming and ready," Bobo confirmed, before him, Rebel and Defect walked out the door, declaring the last war on the Elysium Corporation. 

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