Chapter 25 // Downpour of Emotions

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My back faced the tough sheets. Every node of my spine ached, making my head spinning with guilt and loss. The pillow was severely soaked from the overnight breakdown. I was severely dehydrated with no more tears to cry out. I limped from my sleeping position, staring at the old, cracked wall in front of me.

Even the sky cried with sorrow. Rain came pouring outside the apartment, the raindrop clashed with the roof. I leaned forward before slowly launching myself from the edge of my bed. Step by step, I walked closer towards the closed the window and watched the droplets racing down the bottom of the oxidized windowsill. I felt the pain as the clouds wept with sorrow.

Next to me was Galf's hat. It looked at me, probably spitting out beautiful curse words into the thin air for letting its owner die. I wrapped my hands around the underside and lifting it to my eye level. 

"I am sorry, Galf..." I croaked as the dryness of the lump in my throat made it header for me to speak.

I walked towards the clothes rack while yanking my black hoodie off the rack before putting it over my blank white shirt. I took a last glance at my black cap and my backpack before I walked past towards the door. Both of them glanced at me with puppy eyes, pleading me to take them with me. I looked away, looking away from the shame of the loss of a friend. I closed the door, leaving my messy hair take a breath of the tight hallways. 

I opened the door; it was still raining cats and dogs. Drops of water soaked into my black hoodie. It was freezing, but why should I care? The only lights that brightly guided my way are the streetlights, with tiny buys eagerly soaking up the radiant in this heavy rain. It must have been fun for them.

My feet stopped as I looked at my final destination. Small food market, my old friend. I had probably collected a shitload of money during my travels. I felt really guilty spending it, especially when it had the touch of Galf's fingerprints. I took a deep breath before pushing the door into the shop. There was the shopkeeper again, looking up from his newspaper.

"Hello, Jard! You seem to have forgotten your cap," he said in a bright tone, watching me walk past him and into one of the stalls.

"I know. I just didn't feel like wearing it today," I answered, dragging myself in the malls before grabbing a pack of instant noodles.

I stopped in front of the shopkeeper, who lifted his newspaper down and try and see my face. I pulled the hoodie over my head as a reaction.

"You seemed to be feeling under the weather, Jard. Are you alright?" the shopkeeper asked in concern.

When he scanned the noodles and I had paid the price, I turned around to leave the place. I would usually smile back at the shopkeeper, giving them a friendly wave before disappearing in the corners of the streets. Today was different, I completely left the food store, leaving the shopkeeper stunned, worried and confused.

Galf's shop was right in front of me. I could feel every wall laughing at me on how stupid I was to leave my friend in such a tight and dangerous situation. Why do I even still care? Galf was probably dead already and there is no way in bringing him back. I sat on the ledge, next to the clearly smashed open door where there was less debris scattered on the concrete.

It seems I was waiting for the rain to pass over, but the clouds above me were thick, crying out drops of tears nonstop. I bobbed my head down, letting the rest of my tears out. It wasn't even the afternoon, and I am tired. At that moment I felt a gentle brush against my skin. It was Lemon. She was probably mourning over her owner's disappearance or death too. I realized how we both are in the situation together. I kneeled down to touch the kitten again, her soft yellow fur spreads along my fingers, giving me the last of her warmth and comfort.

"I know. I know," I whispered as the cat purred in sorrow, "I missed Galf too. He's my best friend. We are in the same boat,"

I lost track of time; how long had I been sitting on the perch of what it used to be a shop filled with expensive but a row of masterpieces? It had seemed that minutes turned into hours. I stood up from my seat, pulling my hoodie strings tighter to eliminate the surrounding in my vision. I used to be a navigator; I understand why I quit my job. I was lost. Lost in my own thoughts.

It wasn't long before I arrived in my small apartment once again. My cap and backpack greeted me as I took off my hoodie and laid on my bed. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. I had passed the first day of this downpour of emotions. I would need to grind the rest of my days until the grim reaper was standing beside me with a rose. 

Then there was a light knock on the door.


That sounds like Bobo. What does he want?

"FUCK OFF!" I muffled in my blanket.

There was no response. Thank goodness. I closed my eyes for a rest, they had been holding the bags of tiredness throughout the door. They deserved it.

I was interrupted by the sounds of door smashing. I dragged my blanket downwards to see who it was. Defect kicked open the door like the time at the underground facility. With a straight face, he walked over and sat on the bed next to me.

"You don't have to hold this in, Jard," Defect spoke as I sat up from my bed, "we know you missed Galf. We missed Galf too,"

"There is no other way anymore," I mumbled, the lump grew bigger into my throat, choking me from every word, "we couldn't just revive Galf out of the blue,"

"Actually, we know that Galf probably isn't dead yet," Bobo commented, looking down at the floor with his blue visor blocking his eyes.

I paused and looked at Bobo.

"He's not?" I answered.

"Maybe, but Defect and I investigated Galf's shop one more time and found an interesting discovery," Bobo explained, "On his billboard, there was a location in the Elysium Tower dimension. I assume that Galf was kidnapped, not killed,"

I blinked, maybe there is some hope in this world. I swiftly turned to Defect.

"Is this true?" I asked him, confirming Bobo's theory, "is it true that Galf would still be alive?"

Defect shrugged before smiling, a hint of tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"Likely," he responded, spreading his arms.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I lunged at Defect, giving him a hug. Maybe there was a chance to save Galf after all. It was like a campfire being lit in a hut in the middle of a snowstorm. Of course, I pulled away afterwards.

"But how are we supposed to save Galf from all those Elysium creeps?" I asked as a realization hits me, "I mean, there is only the three of us and they have an army,"

Bobo smiled, looking at me with awe.

"When did we say we are doing this alone?"

A group of people emerged from the door. They all wore the same military as uniform with red attires wrapped around their arms. The middle of them was the tallest, with a familiar face painted in my mind.

"Rebel?" I said, almost choking on my own spit.

"After discovering Galf was kidnapped, I found it outrageous. We are coming with you!" Rebel said as the rest of the rebels agreeing to each other, nodding their heads.

"Yeah! We won't let those motherfuckers take our friend away from us too!" one of the rebels yelled from the crowd.

"Galf is our priority now! We are going to shoot every one of those stupid Elysium members!" another rebel added, making the group of rebels cheered.

There was a sudden brightness lit inside of me. Defect grabbed my cap before walking towards me again.

"Say, are you in it with us?"

I smiled, taking the cap before putting it on, turning it backwards as I leaned out of my bed.

"Gentleman, we are going to save Galf!" I announced, "and I got a plan,"

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