Chapter 26 // CatJard

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"Umm, Jard? Are you sure that is going to work?" Rebel asked, looking up and down to scan the small collapsed classroom.

"I am sure!" I confidently answered.

It wasn't really a classroom, nor it was a school. It was still Galf's used to a shop, there was only one billboard and one urging lesson to teach. It was only supposed to be designed for one student only. I lightly slapped the tip of the ruler onto the billboard, showing Bobo's poorly drawn sketch of the Elysium staff.

"You see this person here? All I want you to do is run away from him," I informed, looking at the 'student', "since that you are a cat, you can easily dodge the bullets with your amazing reflexes,"

Lemon mewed in response; I am assuming that she understood every word that spits out of my mouth. However, the others were shaking their heads in disagreement. Bobo was laughing while both Defect and the Rebels facepalmed in disappointment.

"I get the idea, but she is a cat! She cannot understand human language!" Defect commented as Bobo kneeled down to pat Lemon, "besides, I don't think those guards are stupid enough to think that furball is you,"

"Can we just give this a chance, Defect?" I said, dropping my shoulders letting the ruler touch the floor, "Lemon knows what she is doing!"

Lemon slumped her head over the table, tired of us arguing over my upcoming plan. I sighed before lifting up the ruler to the board again, pointing a drawn sketch of a yellow cat. Because of its neat outlines, you could clearly tell that Defect drew it.

"While you distract the guards, we get into the control room and look at their security cameras. At that point, we could pinpoint the location of where the Elysium Corporation might be keeping Galf,"

Lemon nodded in response. I smiled boastfully at Defect, proving my point to him.

"Honestly, I thought you were stupid. But this is an entire new level," Defect responded with a straight face.

I frowned.

"Thank you," I sarcastically answered.

Rebel stood up from Lemon's small box desk before loading his pistol.


He aimed his pistol at the billboard. Before I could speak a single word, a huge gunshot sound split the sound barrier. I looked at the board again. There was a small bullet hole penetrated through the board, straight through the drawn Elysium guard's head.

"Rebel!" I yelled, raising my voice.

"Sorry, had the urge to do that," he shrugged, putting his pistol back into his backpack.

Lemon's hair stuck out like a pufferfish; Rebel's gunshot must have scared the shit out of her. I put the ruler back on the desk and looked at the small yellow cat smiling.

"That is what we want you to do,"

I reached into my bag before pulling out my spare black hoodie and a spare black cap. I gently laid them next to Lemon in a neat fold. I am sometimes a neat freak when it comes to clothing, particularly these ones.

"Now, I just need to put this shit on you,"


We had arrived at the Elysium Corporation, Rebel figured out which device Galf used to travel us to different dimensions. The giant orange building stood tall, resisting the heavy breeze blowing on it. The two doors were shut close, but on my past experience on checking doors, they seemed to be forgotten to lock it. It must have been lunch time as there was nobody around the area. It was only me, Bobo, Defect, Lemon and the rebels. 

My hands gently squeezed Lemon, slightly lifting up her worn black hoodie and backwards black cap. As expected, there were guards standing behind those doors, which perfectly fits the plan. 

"This is so stupid..." Defect whispered.

"Have you done this type of thing before?" I replied silently.

"No, but-"

"Okay, then shut up,"

I creeped towards the entrance, slipping my fingers on the iron bars wrapped around the enclosed gate. Being very careful not to expose my position, I pushed the doors open.

"Huh? Did that door just open by itself?" I heard a curious guard said.

"I am not sure, let's go investigate,"

At that moment, I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. My plan was going into the flow; going exactly how I wanted. It was time to release the cat. I relaxed my fingers, letting Lemon slide out of my hands and into the entrance of the door.

"Oh, it's just a cat," the guard said, looking down at his feet before Lemon looked up at him, "though, it does have some resemblance to that interdimensional navigator,"

Lemon was frozen in her place. The only movement in her body was her small furry chest going up and down. She wasn't running out or even moving a single muscle in her legs, only sitting and waiting for the guards to become suspicious of what is happening. What is she doing? Did she forget the plan already? Maybe Defect was right, this was such a stupid plan-


At that moment, Lemon leaped into the air before clamping her claws into one of the guards face.

"AAAA! GET IT OFF ME!" he screamed in pain as Lemon continued scratching his face, leaving blood on her claws and cheeks.

The other guard watched in horror as he prepared to turn back and run for his life, only to attract Lemon attention, making her leap and using her first victim as a launchpad. Soon, I heard more footsteps echoing in a distance, probably more guards to rescue the unfortunate one. It has not been 10 seconds; I already heard screams of terror from the guards. They were breathing heavily, crying, screaming and yelling for their mums.

"OH NO! IT'S CATJARD!" one of the guards screamed before his voice muffled.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" another added.

Then it was silence, all of the guards seem to be gone. Defect, Bobo and the Rebels emerged out of the bushes before walking into the entrance.

It was a mess.

Scratch marks were printed on the floor and the walls with a small smudge of tomato sauce color and there was a guard's helmet being left alone by its original owner. Rebel smirked and chuckled a bit, putting his hands on his hips.

"It worked after all," he said, "you're maybe much smarter than you look, Jard,"

"That...... wasn't even part of the plan," I answered, looking at Rebel and giving him a shrug, "but if it works, then it works,"

"We should head over to the control room before the guards get back here to find out what was really happening," Bobo suggested.

"Good idea," I answered.

Defect looked at the signs above us. With glint in his eyes, he looked for the word "control room" before pointing to the left, leading to a dark hallway.

"It's that way," he answered.

"On it!"

We picked up our pace, racing for the control room.

We are coming for you, Galf.

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