Chapter 22 // Mayday the Rebel Base

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Galf's shop was quiet for once. Everyone stared at Trooper as he went through his military bag, looking for something special. The silence was already killing me. 

"Ah, found it," Trooper said, pulling out a thick book.

He opens it up, revealing a line of photos on every page of the book. Defect's muscles tensed in anger, his arms are crossed in disgust as his face was dripping with toxicity, darting his eyes on Trooper's. Trooper stopped on one page before slipping his finger into the pocket and pulling out a square shaped photo. The photo contained a group of people. I counted in my head, there were about 12 people formerly standing on the lush grass, each wearing a grey sweater and a black cap. Bobo moved his face closer to the photo, expecting its fine details.

"Who are those people in the photo?" Bobo asked in curiosity.

"Those are what you call 'The Rebels'," Trooper answered, "Back in my days, I used to train them to be troopers like me. That was before the betrayal,"

Bobo stared at the photo before giggling a bit. I checked before following his line of sight to find out what was funny. There was a small boy in the picture, looking all scrawny and scared. Out of the rebels, some moron decided to put bunny ears above him. That small boy, the one who had eyes filled with fear had a familiar face and hair. Was that Defect?

"IS THAT YOU, DEFECT?!" Bobo laughed, pointing at the goofy boy in the picture.

Defect sighed before resting his head on the wooden table. He seemed to be very tired of Trooper spilling the tea. By the sound of him being part of many corporations, he might have something to do with Rose.

"Hey, Trooper! Do you know anything about Rose?" I asked as Trooper looked at me with his kind eyes, "like, the M.I.A wanted poster that the Elysium Corporation kept putting up about?"

"Let me see..." Trooper responded, looking at the ceiling, thinking what he was going to say, "unfortunately, I do not recall why Rose is being wanted, but I am assuming that the rebellion group knows about it,"

The rebels? It sounds crazy, but if they know what happened to Rose, then we had to go ask them. They probably already seen Bobo and I blow up their mates, even Defect had the guts to betray them. They would even blow us up to bits if we are not careful. Defect slumped into his seat.

"Man, how glad I would see them again," I heard a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

I walked over from the tight corner to give him a few pats on the back, comforting him from the built-up anxiety and anger. It must have been a rough day for him when Trooper is around. Bobo raised his eyebrow, for almost the very first time, he was serious about the tight situation.

"Do you know where the rebels live?" he asked.

"From what I could remember, they probably camp out in the Mayday dimension," Trooper replied, "from the Elysium corporation news, they said that they won the war against the rebels after they shot down the plane in that dimension,"

I looked at Galf, who was cleaning the plates after we ate a quick snack. I opened my mouth to request a special expedition.

"Hey, Galf. Is it alright if we could travel to the Mayday dimension?"

"Mayday?" Galf asked, looking at me with curious eyes, "isn't that where the rebels live?"

"Yes, but I want to speak to them," I answered boldly.

Galf gave a sigh before smiling as a response.

"Alright! Be careful then!"


I carried my backpack before nodding towards Bobo, who got out his hitting bat, ready to smack any rebels who came too close to him. Talking about weapons, I checked to make sure that the energy sword is still in my bag. Since the Catacombs, it helped me a lot on this journey to battle out dangerous enemies. Its magnificent red glow lights up my face with comfort.I fixed my eyes on Defect, who still has bags under his eyes, lazily slumping over his chair.

"Are you coming too, Defect?" I asked one last time before we left.

This caught Defect's attention, he sat up from his chair before grabbing his silenced pistol.

"Yes, I am coming," he replied, standing up from his sitting position and walked over towards Bobo.

"Jard, don't forget the child leash," Galf reminded, holding up the child leash in his hands.


"I don't think Jard really needs it anyway, Mayday doesn't have much dangerous obstacles," Defect added, which Galf shrugs in response.

"Alright then!" he smiled, putting the child leash into the drawer, "I trust you then, have fun in there you lot!"

Defect is a legend. I owe him for saving me from being dragged around in a child leash again. I could finally run around free and drinking cola as an excuse to run faster.

"Welp, that is it from me then!" Trooper said, standing up before leaving the shop, "Bobo! Look after Defect! Make sure he doesn't trip over again!"

"FUCK OFF!" Defect screamed as Trooper disappeared from the corner of the streets.

The portal closes behind us, leaving us in a slightly arid biome. The air was slightly thick from the green fog, but thin enough to let us see a decent distance across the dimension. There were camps planted everywhere, each have the voice of angry rebellion echoes. In the middle was a giant plane, busted up and burnt for who knows how long. It was unbelievable, but we made it. We are at the base of the people who wanted to hunt us down.

"Everyone, follow my lead," I whispered.

Bobo blinked nervously while Defect shook his head in response.

"Jard, it's too dangerous for you to immediately appear in front of them," Defect responded, "let me do it,"

"You can't! You are going to get yourself killed!" I answered in a slightly louder tone, "you betrayed them, remember? That means that you would be their main target!"

"Good point..." Defect said, lowering his head.

"Now, we should sneak around the corner and further away from them and not make any loud sounds!" I instructed, but Bobo stood up from his hiding spot, having half of his body exposed from the view.

"MORNING, REBELS!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"BOBO! THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO!" I shouted, standing up from my position as well.


It was too late. One of the rebels spotted us from our stupidity. The leader emerged from the crowd before looking at both of us.

"That's the two kids! GET THEM!"

I watched as the rebels ran into their camping tents and grabbing out their pistols. It was time for dangerous action. I pulled out my energy sword before pointing it at the leader rebel.

"We are not here to steal; we are here to talk!" I said in a low tone, though the way I am holding the sword doesn't seem like I wanted a friendly talk.

"I WAKE UP IN A BUGATTI-" Bobo yelled at the top of lungs, charging over to one of the tents and knocking out an unlucky rebel who came out of the tent at the wrong time.

This is war.

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