Chapter 4: Traitor

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Warning: This chapter contains a lot of cursing and stuff sooo..idk what you going to do with that information have a cookie 🍪
"So how was the chase with the skin walker" Akaza asked. "How.The.Actual.Fuck.Did.You.Get.Here.So.Fast." Kokushibo asked with horror. "Yeah especially with those short ass legs." Douma agreed. Akaza looked at them then looked at his feet. "I dunno" He said confused. As soon as he said that they heard a loud banging at the door and a voice yelling for help it sounded like...Akaza? ''What the actual fuck is going on " Nakime asked in a somewhat horrified tone of voice. The voice kept on shouting for help and banging on the door, after 2 seconds the window broke and boom just like that Akaza? was now in the living room. "Y-you motherfuckers- I was asking for help a-nd you bitches had your grassy asses in t-the fucking kitchen talking to- MIMIC! " Akaza said between breaths. By the time he said the last part and they turned their heads to look at the Akaza that was in the kitchen he was gone. This freaked Douma out and he ran to Akaza hugging him. "Why are you just getting here now!?" Douma shouted in concern. "Exactly you were the first one to speed back there" Nakime agreed. "Kokushibo and his long rusty musty dusty crusty nasty slender man looking ass long butt flaps stadium tracks frick frack misty and jack had a mat that they called cat and ate a rat that sat under the mac and called rack of a flat feet ran over me- HOW THE FUCK DID YOU NOT REALIZE THAT YOU STEPPED ON A FUCKING HUMAN WITH THEM HACHISAKU-SAMA LEGS!? " Akaza said in disbelief and anger. "....Sorry? " Is all Kokushibo could get out other than laughter. "Forget his feet, what happened to you, you look...fucked up" Douma asked still concerned. "Welp..i got kidnapped by like I dunno urm 4 skin walkers and they were basically arguing over who should deliver me to a......windy boy?" Akaza explained.

(What happened to Akaza)

Akaza was almost out of the forest when his limp came back and he fell down as soon as he hit the ground he felt a big ass foot on him, when he looked up it was Kokushibo he was going to call out for them but it was too late because they were too far. While trying to get up he feels something grab his foot. He looks down to see what it was and saw something he definitely did NOT want to see. He saw a skinny pale creature that was abnormally skinny, this shit was so skinny it looked like a skeleton. Akaza was shocked and scared to say the least.


Those motherfuckers really didn't notice me huh, fuckin' dumbasses steppin' all over me..even that future husband of mine..why did I fucking say yes to himmmm. Oh right..cause I love him. This all went through my head in a matter of seconds. Just as I was done cursing out those backstabbing hoes in my head I felt something grab onto my leg. When I looked down, there I saw the most skinniest, slimmiest, slender man lookin ass creature I've ever seen. "OH FUCK-" Is all I could get out before that thing grabbed onto my mouth and dragged me to God knows where. I blacked out cause of stress and when I woke up I was in the middle of some kind of Pentagram and I was surrounded by..."SKIN WALKERS- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHY MEEEE IT'S ALWAYS SHORT PEOPLE WAAA-" "Ayo bitch stfu before I skin yo ass alive" the creature said in an angry tone. Goddamn all I want right now is to be with my asshole of a future husband.


Akaska- I mean Akaza was feeling nothing but fear and regret. Soon the skin walkers started..arguing? With each other.

Skin walker #1: HEY don't be so rough with him remember the daddy long legs wants him for dinner

Skin walker #2: Stfu Doū ain't nobody care bout daddy long legs we could guzu his ass anytime we want

Skin walker #3: Y'all are supposed to be sisters wtf-

Skin walker 1/2: STFU RHEA

Alaska- Akaza looked at them in utter shock "wtf is going on" Akaza muttered in a low tone. All of a sudden another skin walker appeared.

Skin walker #4: Alright mfs the windy boy said one of us should bring this human child back to him....

Skin walker #1: That was a child...

Skin walker #2: No it was a fucking roach what do you think if course it's a child.

Hearing this Akaza became angry, he hated being called a child. " I'm not a fucking child you pieces of shits!" Akaza shouted causing the creatures to look at him. "What the- then how old are you" One of them asked. Alaska answered by saying "I'm 26". The skin walkers looked at each other and back to him and started laughing. " You expect us to believe that- AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA" One of them started laughing. Akaza turned red out of embarrassment and anger. Mostly anger. "Lies, you look like you're 14- hehhehehe" Akaza got even more upset and exposed himself by saying " THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE I ONLY GREW 1 INCH TALLER THAN MY 13 YEAR OLD SELF! " After realizing what he said Akaza started to cry out of frustration. The skin walkers laughed at him...poor Alaska.. Soon after that Akaza was still crying like the cute lil baby he was and the skin walkers were now fighting over who should carry Akaza to the windyboy (daddy long legs). Suddenly the windyboy showed up out of nowhere and it seemed very angry. It asked what was taking so long and then everything went silent. The daddy long legs looked at Akaza up and down and then said "this bish ain't enough..get his small ass outta here". As soon as Akaza heard that, whatever was bounding him to the pentagram was suddenly no longer there and then Akaza took off running like a rat that just saw a cat.

(The end of Akaza's terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible encounter with skin walkers and a daddy long legs)

Everyone looked at Akaza in shock. " What the hell...sounds like they did more to you mentally than physically..." Kokushibo said with a small laugh. "It's the height bullying for me- pfft" Nakime struggled to get out because of laughter. Douma was trying his best to hold in his laughter but failed. "Kaza I love you and all but..why are you so goddamn short-" Douma said while laughing. "STFU WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WASHED YOUR GODDAMN LICE INFESTED HAIR- THE WAY IT BE STICKIN' UP ALL THE TIME IS FUCKING GROSS, NOT TO MENTION THAT ONE TIME I WAS TRYNA COMB THAT SHIT AND IT FUCKIN' NEARLY CUT MY FINGER OFF HELL IT EVEN BROKE THE COMB!" Akaza was pissed. He started walking/limping to the stairs with the bit of energy he had left but Nakime 'politely' stopped him. "Hey, just where do you think you're going you traitor" Nakime asked in a calm yet angry tone. "To bed where the fuck else- why are you even calling me a traitor, what did I do? " Akaza asked "When I stopped to take out the flashlight you bolted and abandoned your dad, your best friend and your husband wtf man" Nakime said starting to sound pissed. "I felt something breathing on my neck and it activated my fight or flight..what did you want me to do!? " Akaza shouted. "Die with us duh, whatever happened to you wouldn't have happened if you didn't run off without us dipshit" Nakime said in a more calm tone.''well in that case i'm sorry Nakime and others, won't happen again, now can i please just go to bed i've had just about enough of this world. It's time for me to visit dream land.'' Said Akaza while stretching the words. Nakime said fine set up two sleeping bags for her and Cockushitbu while Douma went upstairs to Akaza.

While taking a shower, Akaza was thinking about the events that happened today. He then realized that he could've been eaten if it wasn't for tiny short body. This was the second time his skinny ass body saved his life. The first time was when he was stuck in the nurses office and the nurse was fucking a student and Akaza's only way of escape was through a very small window. He is forever traumatized. When he got out of the shower he saw Douma reading a book on their bed peacefully. Douma then noticed that Akaza came out of the shower and then closed the book after marking the page of course. ''Are you ok?'' Douma asked. Akaza looked at him and smiled. Douma took that as a yes. Douma then got up off the bed then walked to Akaza, he kissed Akaza passionately. Akaza kissed back, this turned into a makeout session. Douma's hand moved down to remove the towell covering Akaza's holy grounds but was quickly stopped by Akaza smacking his hand away. ''Aww man'' Douma whined. ''Not tonight you horny fuck!'' Akaza whisper yelled. He then put some clothes on and then went to bed.
1553 words
Y'all this fr took me like 2 weeks 🥴
While writing the first 2 sentences my ADHD kicked in and then I blacked out 🤧 Anygays hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote!
Give me your hair I'm donating to WWH Jin🦙

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